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Season 3 - Episode 18

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Season 3 - Episode 18

[Spike Fight]

"Just a heads up stay away from Perry," Bree sat down next to Sara. The five of them were sitting at their usual table in the lunchroom. It was just next to the buffet line, which was also close to Perry.

"Usually don't need a warning."

"That's the first thing I say to myself when I wake up." Leo picked at his food.

"Really, I usually just tell myself shaving cream only looks like food," Adam muttered as he stared at the center of the table.

"You've tried to eat shaving cream?" Sara asked him. He smiled.

"No, but I really want to sometimes. It just looks so fluffy."

"Do you think we'd have to call poison control for that?" Sara pointed her fork at him. Chase shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you looking at?!" Perry yelled from beside Sara startling her. She turned to see the grumpy short lady glaring at Leo.

"I still don't know how to give you an honest answer."

"If I wanted to be looked at I'd still be on the cover of Chainsaw monthly!" She pulled an imaging string back and made a chainsaw noise as she walked off. Sara grimaced and turned to see Chase giving her a similar expression.

"Adam, why are you making faces?" Bree asked. Sara saw him puckering his lips.

"Are you constipated, again?" Sara whispered as Adam kicked her under the table. "Ow."

"No, that girl Sabrina keeps checking me out," Adam stood up as a blonde girl approached. "Hey, Sabrina."

"Ten bucks he gets turned down," Sara whispered to Leo.

"You're on it's Adam." He whispered back.

"I couldn't help but notice you staring at me from across the room," Adam tried to act shy. Bree stuck her finger in her mouth making a gag face as Sara laughed.

"Actually I was looking at Chase," Sabrina added. Sara's smile fell as she glared at the girl.

"A sense of humor I like that," Adam laughed. Sara motioned for him to sit down as Sabrina turned smiling at Chase.

"I wanted to talk to you about the chemistry project," She touched his shoulder.

"Sure I'll do it for you, just send me your email. I'll send it to you when I'm done." Chase offered as she went back to picking at his food.

"No I was hoping you'd do it with me," Sabrina tucked her hair behind her ear. "I need a partner and I wanted us to do it together." Chase choked on his drink as he looked around the table.

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