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Season 3 - Episode 26

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Season 3 - Episode 26

[Unauthroized Mission]

The mission was easy and simple. Davenport made sure it wasn't going to be a national crisis for this one since they brought alone Sebastian and Leo. That was the new thing, when mission alerts went off the students of the week who excelled in their training were able to join the mission. They weren't allowed to do much, but they were allowed to go along and experience it.

"So," Sebastian leaned against the desk. "On the next mission will I actually be able to do something?"

"You did, you held the flashlight and handed me my lip balm," Chase smiled. Sara licked her teeth as she tried to hide her smile. That isn't the best way of lending a hand, but it was helpful for Chase at least.

"No I mean," Sebastian sighed. "If I don't really get to help then how am I going to become mission leader one day." Adam and Chase both laughed.

"Easy, there can't be two mission leaders. If there were two of you I would have to make fun of both of you and there's just not that much time in one day," Adam shook his head as he put his arm around Chase's shoulders.

"Hey I mean give him a break, sebastian did great today." Bree smiled as she leaned closer to him.

"Oh well thank you," Sebastian smirked.

"Ew, no," Sara shook her head.

"Don't ew no, you are trying to get with my brother," Bree pointed at her. Sara threw her hands in the air and looked over at Chase.

"Hey, woah." Chase paused. "Wait really?" He looked at Sara.

"Oh my god." Bree rubbed her forehead. Chase moved around the table.

"But would you?"

"Would I what?" She asked she knew exactly what he was asking, but she wanted him to say it.

"Well I mean, would you want to go on a date?" Sara laughed a little.

"We live together, we train together, Chase, we're together every day all the time." She smirked. "Also I've never been on a date so I wouldn't know what do to?"

"Me neither, but I want to take you on one anyway, although it would have to be on the island," Chase tapped his chin. "Meet me in the kitchens after training, well would you like to?"

"Chase," Sara smiled and patted his shoulder. "Yes, I will see you there after training."

"Yes! Yes!" Chase jumped up and down throwing his hands in the air. Sara smiled at how excited he got. He coughed and crossed his arms. "I mean, great. I look forward to it."

"Don't try to act different, it's cute when you get happy." Sara smiled as she walked passed him. Chase turned with her as his mouth hung open.

"Might want to close your mouth before a fly finds its way in," Adam suggested. Chase closed his mouth and looked at Adam.

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