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Season 3 - Episode 25

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Season 3 - Episode 25

[Adam Steps Up]

Sara realized this morning when she woke up that she didn't remember what her favorite song was. A lot has happened over the last few weeks that she hasn't really needed to decompress, but she thought it was odd that she couldn't remember what her favorite song was or even her favorite genre of music. She stared at her phone and scrolled through the songs to play, but she didn't remember what any of them sounded like. She even tried to listen to a few, but none of them seemed familiar. She didn't know what caused it, but as she walked to the training room she realized she couldn't remember a lot from the past years of her laugh and it started to make her panic.

"Alright, everyone!" Chase walked to the center of the room. "We are introducing a new type of training to the curriculum. It's called the Bionic battle. Each week two of you will be pitted against each other in a physical challenge."

"Tot he death!" Spin yelled. Sara stared at him and then looked over to Chase concerned.

"Yes, Big D built this million-dollar facility to train and house you, just so we can pick you off one by one." Leo joked with him.

"The winner will get a set of points that will go toward earning the next bionic skill level," Chase reasoned. "And the loser gets, well humiliated." He grinned.

"Spin, since you're the youngest you get to pick your opponent first," Bree explained. Spin rolled his shoulders and stepped forward.

"Yes, scared," He flinched at them. "You should be."

"No, no, this is not about scaring people. No one is going to get hurt," Chase reasoned as he was hit in the back with a bouncy ball. "Ow." Sara moved into the other room seeing Adam and his team shooting hoops.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Bree asked. "You're a mentor now, act like one."

"I am, I'm teaching them." Adam smiled as he palmed a basketball.

"Yeah, I'm an athlete," Bob smirked. He went forward and dunked the ball, but hung onto the hoop.

"Bob, I think you're supposed to let go of the rim." Sara offered.

"Yeah, but I'm scared of heights."

"You can levitate," Bree shook her head.

"Yeah, going up isn't an issue, it's the getting down." Bob wiggled his feet.

"I'll have to get him down with my molecular kinesis," Chase rolled his eyes and went under the hoop.

"Or a ladder." Before Chase could even start the rim broke and Bob fell on top of him. Sara grimaced and slowly walked over to the pair.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm amazing," Bob smiled. Chase groaned from under the kid.

"I was talking to Chase."

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