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Season 4 - Episode 1

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Season 4 - Episode 1

[Bionic Rebellion Pt. 1]

While Davenport was on the mainland for a couple of days. Sara had taken that opportunity to learn more about the first Sara. While her group was training she took her top student. Emily, had an electrical ability, which Sara used to shock herself until she was able to access the subconscious part of her mind that the first Sara had stored part of her memory. She wanted to know more about her and about why she was starting to forget her past.

None of the others seemed to notice Sara's strange behavior since they were all mostly focused on training the others. They had focused on their own groups. Chase apologized to Sara about missing their date, but she already told him not to worry about it. She like Chase, well she more than liked him, but he seemed happy making friends with Sebastian. She still didn't trust him so she thought it would be best to just keep her distance for the time being while she figured out her own situation.

"I'm back!" Davenport announced as he walked into the training ring.

"I can see that," Sara glared at him.

"Oh, you're still mad at me? Come on, where's my welcome back."

"We don't really care," Chase smirked. They moved back into the other room as the students got back to training.

"How was it without me here?"

"Great!" Bree smiled. "Sorry, I'll try to sound more heartbroken. We really missed you." She gave him a heart.

"Don't worry Mr. Davenport. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Sara have been doing an amazing job. They are awesome mentors." Sebastian complimented. Sara gave him an odd look as she leaned back on Chase.

"Cool, then maybe I can cut my trip short and head back to the mainland tomorrow."

"Cool, he finally got the hint," Adam smirked. "I mean, she loves you." He struggled to make a heart with his hands so Sara reached forward to help him.

"Not so fast Donny. Things around here aren't as great as the droid babies make it seem," Perry appeared. With a notepad in her hand.

"Name one, captain short set." She turned to Leo.

"Well for starters they littered in the halls."

"Tha was you." Bree shook her head.

"They were making rude gestures to passing coast guard ships."

"Also you," Adam added.

"And sneaking extra dessert from the cafeteria," Perry pointed at Sara. She laughed.

"That's, also you," Sara told her.

"You are wearing the evidence," Chase gestured to her shirt.

"No, that was from a different stolen meal," Perry explained. She ate it off her shirt. Sara leaned back onto Chase trying to get away from her.

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