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Season 1 - Episode 9

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Season 1 - Episode 9

[The Intruder]

When everyone had gotten their food together they sat outside on the balcony. Bree, Sara, and Skylar were already sitting near one of the chairs as they talked quietly about what plans they were going to make for the weekend. Kaz was on his hands and knees preparing something with his back turned.

"Kaz, you know there's room over here, you don't have to eat on the floor," Chase joked. He pulled up a chair and sad down next to Sara. Kaz turned around showing everyone the hotdogs he had stuck on a rake.

"I'm not eating on the floor, I'm preparing my food on the floor," He chuckled.

"Oooh my favorite," Oliver walked out onto the balcony. "Hot dogs on a rack!"

"Wow, you actually made tubes of random animal parts more disgusting," Bree explained as she took a sip of her water.

"Hey, they only look gross because I haven't cooked them yet," Kaz pointed at the table. They all turned waiting for him to continue. He put the rake down into the stand. Oliver knelt down grabbing the rake as he started turning it slowly.

"Mmm, yes and the delectable melted plastic insiders."

"Heh," Kaz pulled one of the hotdogs off the end. "Who's disgusted now." Kaz stuck it in his mouth and grimaced. "Ew," He pulled off a repent hing. "Wet leaf."

"Yeah, you do know I just used that rake to clean the gutters right?" Skylar asked. Oliver bit off the top of his hotdog and nodded.

"Mhmm, you taste yesterday's rain."

"You boys are ridiculous," Skylar grabbed her plate and stood you. "Your powers are a gift you shouldn't be wasting them on trivial things."

"Yeah, you guys are always using your powers when you don't have to," Bree crossed her legs. "Yesterday Oliver flew across the street just to go to the grocery store." Oliver and Kaz shared a look.

"That was an emergency." Both boys pointed at Bree. "We were out of loopy loops. Hey, and for your information girls are just as bad. When Mr. Davenport called you used your vocal manipulation to be me."

"Hey, calm down all I said was," Bree changed her voice. "Bree's not here stop calling old man."

"Oh, so you made me look bad."

"Yes, that was the goal," Bree nodded. Sara took a bite of her carrot and stood up stretching. "And yes I occasionally use my bionics to make my life easier, but I can stop whenever I want. You guys are the ones that have no control."

"Oh really?" Bree nodded. "Well, then I propose a challenge, guys versus girls to see who can go the longest without using bionic abilities or superpowers. Last man or Woman standing wins?"

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