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Season 4 - Episode 8

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Season 4 - Episode 8

[Forbidden Hero]

The five were getting back from a mission on the hydraloop. Leo hadn't listened to Sara's instructions so he hurt his ankle trying to save the others from an industrial grinder. She had told him to let her handle it while she finished up with the actual mission, but he insisted on getting them himself.

"Easy, easy," Adam told them as they helped Leo off the hyrdaloop.

"It's not helping," Sara told him.

"My bad. Careful, careful," He repeated over and over.

"Ope, did Leo blow chunks on the hydraloop again?" Bob asked as he laughed with the other students. Sara leaned back looking at the bin they'd put in there for Leo when he would travel in it.

"No, he saved us on a mission," Bree reasoned. "Then barfed in the hydraloop."

"You know the drill, Bob."

"I'll grab the mop," Bob handed the tablet off to another student s he walked back into the hall.

"I've taught him well," Adam nodded. Bree and Chase both helped Leo hobble forward.

"Would you all stop babying me? I'm a grown man," Leo walked on his own as he brushed their hands off. Sara stayed next to Adam watching Tasha come into the room. "Mommy!" He threw himself on her.

"Are you okay? I came as soon as I got your message," She looked back at the others. "Here, let's get you off your feet. Where is your room?"

"On the other side of the island," Chase told her. Tasha laughed a little.

"You five got your own island, for Valentine's day all Donald got me was a shirt that said I married Donald," Tasha shook her head.

"I mean you do know who you married right?" Sara crossed her arms as Chase laughed.

"Wait you're married?" Adam stared at her. "I thought you just came around a lot." Sara patted his shoulder. The group went back to the capsule room so they could change out. The four left Leo and Tasha alone while she got him situated. They had to go fill out the mission debriefs for Mr. Davenport. When they came back down Leo was on the couch with his foot propped up and a smoothie in his hand.

"Mom, you forgot my tuck tuck," Leo muttered. Tasha came back over and grabbed the blanket.

"There you go, sweetie," She wrapped it under his side. "Now if you need anything I'll be right there."

"Tuck tuck?" Chase asked. "Kind of milking it aren't you?"

"Ope not yet, the milk comes with the cookies at 3:00." Leo pointed out.

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah, I mean you were this close to getting chewed up by that industrial grinder," Adam added. Sara nodded her head slowly as she pursed her lips.

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