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Season 4 - Episode 21

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Season 4 - Episode 21

[Ultimate Tailgate Challenge]

Tasha came to the island to tell everyone that she got tickets to her college football match. It was a major one since the tickets had been sold out for weeks. On the downside, Perry had gone to the opposing school, so she really wanted to go. Sara had never been to a football game or else she would have offered Perry her ticket, but she was excited to go. Bree, Tasha, and here were getting ready. Tasha painted little things on their faces like a football or yellow and blue marks.

"I'm ready." Sara did a handstand as Bree kicked her leg high. "You should have been a cheerleader." Sara got down and smiled.

"I tried out, but didn't make the team," She admitted. Sara shook her head.

"They were just jealous, you would be a perfect cheerleader," Sara put her arm around Bree's shoulders.

"Boys!" Tasha yelled.

"Who's ready to reluctantly go to a sports event?" Donald asked as the boys followed him in. Chase moved around the circle standing next to Sara as he touched her cheek. She turned to him as he had blue on his fingers.

"Put it on your face," She shoved his hands toward his face, but he grabbed her wrists.

"No." He smirked. She sighed and looked back at the others for help, but they ignored the two. "I'm not staining my face."

"Wait, this stains?" Sara's eyes widened.

"Uh, no." Sara went to touch her face, but Chase grabbed her arms keeping her from smearing it around.

"I know I'm ready," Bob smiled.

"Oh, It's only for my family."


"Immediate family."


"Bob, I don't have a ticket for you," Tasha corrected.

"Well if he's not going. I'm not going." Adam shook his head as he put his hands on his shoulders.

"You would really do that for me?"

"Of course, we're buds, I'm not going to leave you here by yourself," Adam patted his back.

"Well then we have an extra ticket," Chase grimaced. Sara put her hand over his mouth.

'Don't say that too loud, it will hear you." He smiled at her.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but since we have an extra ticket, should we maybe offer it to Perry?" they all started laughing and pointing at Tasha.

"I can't believe you said that either," Sara patted Chase's back as they moved toward the hydra loop. This would be one of her first times out in public not on a mission. She was excited to go out and act like a kid.

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