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Season 1 - Episode 16

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Season 1 - Episode 16

[The Attack]

Sara had gotten bored at the penthouse. She didn't know where Chase was, but she decided to go to the streets. She had a weird feeling with all the sirens going on so she went out to see what was happening. She hadn't made it too far out when a child was about to get run over by a car. It hadn't seen the little girl on her bike she had no lights and it was getting dark. Sara was able to phase her through the car. The man had swerved though and was spinning out of control toward a family coming out of a frozen yoghurt place. Sara tried to phase them through the car, but it wasn't working.

"Not a time to glitch," She muttered and started running toward them. The smell of burned rubber seared her nose. An odd split feeling hit her as she shoved the family out of the way. She had just watched herself to do it. When she was crushed between the wall and the car it hurt, but more like a bad pinch rather than getting hit by the car. Sara stared at herself and then at the car. She was several feet away.

"Isabelle!" A woman yelled as she ran over to the little girl on the bike. "Thank you, thank you for saving her." The woman told Sara, she couldn't respond she was too concerned about what had just happened.

"Make sure she gets something reflective if you're going to let her out at night," Sara offered numbly as she looked around. It looked like it could rain or a major storm was going to sweep over the city.  The family her double had saved came over to tell her how grateful they were. She accepted their thanks and told them to hurry home. Something was coming, but she didn't know what. She decided to go home before she started creating doubles out of nowhere. She was waiting in the elevator when she decided to try it one more time. She created a double and watched it mirror her gestures.

"Oh this is so weird," She spoke. Her double didn't. "This shouldn't be scientifically possible. My atoms, ohhh," She pointed at herself. "I'm splicing my molecules to create doubles that's why you can't last long." She high-fived herself and then stepped out of the elevator but stopped. She created a double and forced it to run in as she stepped to the side. Everyone started saying things repeatedly until Sara ran in behind her.

"Okay, what's going on?" Chase shook his head. Sara pointed at the girl on the couch holding Kaz's hand.

"Dude, someone likes Kaz," She grimaced.

"It's Roman and Riker." Skylar put her fists up. Sara shook her head and held up her hand.

"Calm down, it's not." She high-fived her double as she disappeared.

"Wait, but that's not—" Chase pulled at his hair. "Sara I'm so confused."

"It's a new ability of mine," She explained. "I can split my own molecules. Anyway," She stepped around Chase pointing at the girl on the couch. "We've got major problems. There are sirens all over the city. My double was crushed by a vehicle."

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