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[Last Day]

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[Last Day]

Striker had strapped Sara down to one of the tables while their mother dealt with Striker's chip. She was giving her her own body. It was just like the one with Saras' but they would become two separate people, Sara wouldn't be able to force Striker back into her body anymore. She wouldn't be trapped inside of her.

"So what are you going to do now?" Striker asked as her mother moved forward strapping something to Sara's temples and then strapping her head down.

"You've done your part, leave," She muttered. Striker stayed for a moment before leaving. She was free that is all she wanted. She eventually got back to the academy seeing everyone still gathered around.

"Hey, how did the mission go?" Chase moved toward her. Striker glared at him and then realized she was supposed to be acting normal. "I'm sorry, I know I messed up." Chase shook his head. Striker put her hand on his arm.

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes," She nodded and passed him. "Now I've gotta go check on Taylor."

"Oh Davenport is on it, he told us about the glasses you made for her that would help her navigate." Chase gave her a tight smile. "You really are brilliant."

"Yeah," Striker felt the hollow sensation in her chest as she stared at Chase.

"Are we still good for date night tonight?" He put his hands on her waist making her lean back. He stared at her until it hit him. "Where is she?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where is Sara, Striker? What did you do to her?" Chase stepped forward. "Where is she?!" Spike was activated.

"Calm down," Striker used her compulsion on him.

"What is going on over here?" Adam asked.

"Nothing!" Striker yelled at him.

"Where is Sara?" Bree asked.

"Why are you all so worried about her, Jesus, you've never cared before," Striker shook her head. "Why now? Hmm."

"What did you do?" Adam stepped closer to her. He was more worried than angry with her.

"Why didn't you both phase together?" Bree asked. "Chase, pull up her last mission destination."

"It's too late," Striker shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked. "Where is she?" He grabbed Striker's shirt.

"Hey, calm down!" Bree yelled at him, but he threw Stirker back making her hit the wall.

"What are you doing?" Sara mumbled as she blinked a few times. The light above her head was blinking as she came to. "Where am I?" She tried to call on Striker, but she couldn't. She was strapped down tight, not even a centimeter of movement. Her head was strapped down as well.

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