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Season 4 - Episode 11

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Season 4 - Episode 11

[Lab Rats vs Might Med Pt 1.]

Chase woke all of them up at five in the morning to start geeking out about his new invention with Mr. Davenport. Sara would have been more interested if he hadn't woken her up two hours before they were supposed to be getting up for training. He even brought them upstairs to show them what it does, but it didn't seem that impressive. It wasn't that much for show, but it did have a lot of power to it. Davenport kept making it known that it was his invention and not Chase's even though they both equally worked on it. Sara could tell that was getting to Chase, but she hoped he would get over it.

Davenport was having them livestream it to showcase the invention. He and Chase were in the training area with Chase's students around to watch since they didn't have a mentor for the day they got the day off, well the morning off. The others had to keep up like it was a normal day.

"Alright, Class today the same kind of combat training, so," She threw her thumb over her shoulder as she walked through the wall. "Let's get it done." She turned seeing two new students. They tried to walk away.

"I don't care why you were skipping or whose group you are actually from, but what are your names?" She looked down at her tablet. "I'll just put you down on the registry."

"Uhh Frank." The one with dark hair spoke first.

"Okay, Frank, and you?" She asked the second one. Frank one was in yellow and the other was in red.

"Frank." Sara looked from her tablet up to the two of them.

"Did Adam name you or something?" She wrote down Frank again. "Okay, Frank one and Frank two. Get in line students, you know the rules. Pick your partner and fight til one conceits or you both pass out." She smiled at them.

"Seems to be an uneven number of you today?" Sara tilted her head. "Which one of you wants to fight me?"

"Me!" Frank two's hand shot up.

"What, no you don't." Frank one yanked Frank two's hand down. "We are partners, remember."

"Frank two, I'm your partner," Sara told him. "Frank One, just pick another person."

"Eliza and Charles, you are up first. Everyone else clear out of the circle unless you want to get hit," She gestured to the stands behind them.

"So what's her deal?" Frank two whispered to the girl next to him.


"I'm new to this," He gestured around. Frank one hit his arm.

"Sara James, Bionic Hero, Government owned property. She's brilliant," The girl smiled. "Most people just think she's a background piece to this place and the other team, but she truly is the glue, but you would know that."

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