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Season 3 - Episode 20

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Season 3 - Episode 20

[Merry Glitchmas]

Sara had been excited for this holiday season. It was her first official Christmas with people who actually said they were getting her something for it. So she had the Christmas spirit, but it was hard for her to decide what to get each of them. She didn't know how much to spend or what some of them would like so she just went with something from the heart. She made each bracelet. Each one out of different materials. It was safe to say she didn't really know what to get people, she's never had to worry about it before.

"Can you hand me some tape?" Chase asked. Sara was sitting next to him on the floor. She would tear off a piece of tape and hand it to him while he struggled to wrap his Christmas gifts for the others.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Davenport came in with gift bags.

"I'm not sitting on your lap this year, just hand out the gifts." Leo pointed at him. He set the bags down.

"Guess who is going to be handing out the best Christmas gifts ever!" He smiled. Chase stood up and offered Sara a hand as they waited. "I'm proud to announce the creation of the world's coolest Adam, Bree, Chase, and Sara action figures!" He held up the dolls.

"Toys!" Adam shoved forward grabbing his. Sara smiled at her small doll.

"Now that the world knows about you and loves you. There are going to be in every kid stocking this Christmas for a little licensing fee from someone." Davenport pointed at himself. Sara scoffed and tried to move her doll, but it was stiff.

"Aren't they forgetting someone," Leo cleared his throat. "I'm just saying I would look fabulous in plastic."

"Leo, we agreed to keep your bionic arm a secret," Davenport patted his shoulder. "Besides this is about Adam, Bree, Chase, and Sara. Well, and me!" He held up his own action figure. Bree pulled Sara to sit down as the four played around with their action figures. "What it comes free with the set."

"Right because no one would actually pay for you," Bree smirked. Sara gave her a fist bump.

"Look Chase yours is life-sized," Adam held up Chase's action doll to him.

"Oh yeah and your head is hollow," Chase held up the Adam action figure. "Just like the real thing."

"It's not hollow, it's filled with potential."

"Wait, potential, you mean air," Bree scoffed. Sara kept to herself as the three siblings fought with one another.

"Guys! It's Christmas!" Tasha yelled. "It's about others that's why brilliant Tasha Dooley, the best news reporter is hosting a toy drive at school." She looked at Davenport. "It can be a little about me."

"Yes, it can be,": Davenport kissed her cheek. The two of them made Sara smile, they were cute. "Now that the self-absorbed side adventure is out of the way, look at this," He came forward showing them a list. "Your action figures are second."

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