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Season 4 - Episode 13

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Season 4 - Episode 13

[Bionic Action Hero Pt. 1]

Douglas was extremely happy this morning. He came into the main room to tell the bionic five that they were getting a movie made after them by his ex-girlfriend. He was really laying it on how close they used to be back in college until she dumped him.

"Worst, day of my life and I've been to prison four times," Douglas ugly cried. Chase turned to Sara s they both held up four fingers and mouthed four times to one another. "Anyway, she wants the film to portray bionics accurately. So she's coming here to research with the actor that's playing you guys." He pointed to each of them.

"Uh, I think you mean actors," Chase pointed out. Sara poked his arm making him look at her weirdly.

"Sorry, but your arms look great," She smiled and interlaced their fingers.

"No, in the film, there aren't four bionic superheroes. To simplify it there's just one with all of your abilities." Douglas explained as he moved his hands around.

"So who's the actor?"

"It's some newcomer, Troy West."

"Oh, so there just going to throw some rookie in the leading role?" Chase scoffed as he shook his head. "I don't want any part of this."

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Chase," Bree nodded. "I mean you only have one chance to make your life into a movie. It should be done right."

"Seriously, like it's not hard to get some female characterization in there." Sara pointed out as Bree gave her a high five.

"Exactly so who's playing me? Denzel, Will Smith? Who am I kidding?" He smirked. "Those guys can't bring the Dooley."

"They are also way older than you," Sara pointed out.

"Sorry, Leo there is no character based on you."

"What?" He stared at Douglas blinking rapidly.

"It's called Bionic Action Hero. Not kind of bionic, sort of bionic hero." Adam stood up and walked over to Douglas.

"Look if they want someone to play a bionic action hero, why don't they just use me? I'm an actor, I starred in a school play," He smirked.

"Really?" Adam smiled at Sara.

"You had one line and you forgot it,' Bree explained making Sara grimace and return to cHase's side.

"Just because it's in the script doesn't mean you have to say it," Adam leaned close to Bree as he explained. "Plus I can do all my own stunts. The guy who plays Superman can't stop a real locomotive, but I can."

"Oh yeah, well the hydraloop is closing, I bet you can't stop that?" Chase dared as he crossed his arms. Adam ran forward sticking his arm in the doors stopping them from closing.

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