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Bonus Chapter

[It's a Showdown]

Sara was surrounded by people in black leather clothing. She had started to wake up from the swarms attacking her. She didn't know where she was and she didn't like the fact that there were so many people around her. She felt her wrists restrained. It wasn't anything that would dampen her bionics though.

"We know you're awake."

"Wonderful deduction," Sara looked over at Roman. Riker was on the other side. "So I'm assuming this is your family." She gave them a small wave.

"You'll help us," another girl stepped forward she had a scratch on her cheek.

"Did I give you that?" Sara asked. The girl lunged for her, but another brother pushed her back until they disappeared. She still couldn't see where she was being held. Sara knew the ceiling color to be the tunnels under the city which would make sense since they lurk in darkness.

"What do you need to get our father's powers back?"

"What makes you think I can get them back."

"You did it to Skylar Storm," Riker leaned over the edge of the table. Sara phased through the bonds and wrapped her hands around his neck. His siblings tried to pull them apart, but Sara locked her arms around his neck as he started to cough. She was pulled from the table, when she hit the floor the wind was knocked out of her lungs. A few of the siblings turned into their swarms as they disappeared through the tunnels. The others grabbed Sara's feet dragging her across the floor.

"You know," Roman grabbed her arms pulling her to her feet. "If you cooperated this would go smoother. No one has to get hurt.

"Oh except for heroes right?" Sara muttered. She was pulled back by the other, but she shifted through them. A swarm came through the entryway and reformed. It was Reese, two other siblings formed behind her as they knelt down trying to help him.

"What happened?" Riker left Sara as he moved over to her.

"Bree," Reese snapped. Sara used this opportunity to phase through each of them until she got to Reese. She got the drive from her pocket.

"Grab her." A swarm erupted around her, but she split herself into three.

"No offence." She spoke. "You deserve what's coming for you."

Bionic Hearts | Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now