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Season 3 - Episode 21

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Season 3 - Episode 21

[Rise of The Secret Soldiers Pt. 1]

Sara was relaxing in the lab with her headphones on as she played Candy Crush on her phone. Her peace was disturbed when Chase and Bree came running downstairs and shoved a magazine in her face. She took off her headphones taking the magazine in her hands.

"What's happening?"

"Just read," Bree shook her head. "I can't believe people."

"Hey I'm on the cover," she tilted her head to the side. "And Adam." She flipped inside and started reading until she grimaced. "What is this garbage?"

"The magazine about us. Where we aren't even mentioned!" Bree threw her hands in the air.

"This is horrible," Sara stood up. "I'm not Adam's girlfriend!" She grimaced. "Eww! How did they even-what even lead them to, gross."

"Leo has a plan though," Chase assured. "A while ago a production company wanted to do a live and show the world what we are really like."

"Hey guys look at this," Adam laughed as he came downstairs.

"I'm not your girlfriend," Sara stared at him. Adam nodded.

"I know that," He showed them the blog.

"I'm not useless and boring!" She punched his arm making him grimace.

"Ow, you hit hard."

"Don't make me angry," She pointed a finger in his face.

"It's not me, it's the internet," Adam pointed out.

"I can too keep a boyfriend." Bree scoffed.

"I'm not a geek!" Chase looked at Sara. She gave him a tight smile. "I'm not."

"You're an adorable Geek," She patted his shoulder. He crossed his arms and pouted.

"It's okay," Sara turned as she gave him a tight hug. She realized at that moment she hadn't hugged any of them properly yet. She hadn't even experienced a hug herself until Chase wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh how cut," Leo came into the lab. He had a headset on his ear. "Well, we are on. The cameras will be here tomorrow to film you all live to show the world how great of a team we are."

"They will get to see the real us," Chase nodded. He and Sara were standing so close together their arms still touched as they stood together.

"What about Mr. Davenport?"

"He's out of town, he won't know a thing," Leo waved his hand in the air. "Well he'll know after the fact, but it'll be too late then. Right now this is about you guys and getting our story out there."

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