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Season 4 - Episode 26

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Season 4 - Episode 26

[The Vanishing Pt. 2]

"What's wrong Dad, no hug? No good to see you," Marcus hugged himself and then smiled. "Where's the love?"

"How is this possible?" Douglas aimed his weapon at Giselle.

"We saw you get crushed under a mountain of rubble," Chase and Adam took a step forward blocking a path to Sara. Striker thought it was cute that they still tried to protect her even though she didn't need it anymore.

"When I was making my movie," Giselle moved outward Douglas but he stepped back. "Douglas couldn't stop talking about his greatest creation ever. An android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect." She looked at the three of them a scoffed. "I spent so much time trying to steal Chase's intelligence I completely overlooked the fact that Marcus already had it." Giselle looked at Sara, but Striker and the other stepped between them.

"Cute, but your mother has already given me the information to replicate your bionic structure." She looked back at Marcus. "I dug him up and reassembled him piece by piece. His intelligence gave him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past and boy does he have an ax to grind with you, Douglas."

"Family issues, am I right?" Striker laughed. Bree, Chase, Adam, Leo, and Sara all stared at her. "Okay, never mind."

"When they attacked me, you ran away. You were my creator and you let me die."

"Well to be fair, I didn't think you were coming back," Douglas shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, Marcus I think it's time we finish you off for good." Davenport raised his weapon. Marcus moved his hand to the side throwing the weapons out of their hands easily as he turned back to the others. Giselle and him switched sides.

"You don't stand a chance against us," Giselle smirked. "I upgraded Marcus's technology and made him more powerful than ever."

"He's going to have to be more powerful because there are five of us now." Leo stepped up to him. "That's right bushy brow I'm bionic now too." Marcus lifted a brow as Leo put his hands out.


"It's just his little arm—"

"And my little leg." Leo snapped.

"It doesn't matter how powerful you are, we took you out once and we'll do it again. Get him!" Chase, Bree, Leo, and Adam moved a step forward. Marcus floated in the air as he blasted them with a charge. Striker grabbed Sara pulling her back to her.

"Okay I'm so confused," Sara admitted as she was brought over to Marcus and Giselle.

"Take them downstairs, Striker merge, please. I need you to tie them up," Giselle added. She fused with Sara. Striker rolled her shoulders. "Well, I guess she'll know what it's like now."

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