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Season 3 - Episode 23

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Season 3 - Episode 23

[Bionic House Party]

Sara was sleeping on the couch in the lab. Bree and Chase had their phones out taking photos of her while she was curled up sleeping. Chase had thrown a blanket on top of her since she started to shiver a little. None of them have mentioned the electricity scaring on her arms since they'd gotten back from dealing with Krane. None of them wanted to bring it up since they didn't know if it was a sensitive topic. Sometimes Chase would catch her staring at her arms with a blank face and it made him want to throw up. There were so many things he wanted to say, he just didn't know how.

"Guys, I've got great news!" Leo ran into the lab. Bree hopped off the table putting a finger to her lips.

"Sara, is sleeping," She pointed to the couch.

"Oh. Well, my mom just called. Big D gonna make it." Leo tapped his phone a few times.

"That's great."

"Yeah, soon he'll be back here making us all wish he was unconscious again."

"I really missed him,' Bree smirked. "Although it had been nice having the hairspray all to myself again."

"Um, Adam has been using it too. He's been trying new hairstyles with his armpit hair. You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute." Chase pointed out.

"Why are you rating your brother's armpit hair?" Sara laughed as she sat up.

"Did we wake you?" Chase asked, his smile falling. She shook her head and stretched as she pulled the blanket with her. Bree wrapped it around her shoulders again as she stood in front of them swaddled.

"You know we should have traded Adam for one of those super soldiers." Bree laughed. Sara laughed and then stopped. "Wait the soldiers?!"

"I was so worried about Mr. Davenport I forgot about then," Chase ran a hand through his hair. Sara patted his shoulder.

"It's alright, we all did. It wasn't just you Chase." She gripped his hand giving him a sense of comfort.

"Yeah and what's to worry about it's just a bunch of normal teenagers roaming the streets with deadly bionic abilities, we have to find these people!" Leo yelled.

"Who?" Adam appeared.

"Krane's Bionic soldiers," Adam smirked and pointed at Sara.

"Why are you a burrito?" He smiled. "Oh, and I can help with that come on." He started going toward the stairs.

"What's the likelihood that he actually knows?" Chase muttered to her as they walked upstairs. "Uh."

"Very likely." In the living area were all of the bionic super soldiers, well a lot of them. Maybe not all.

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