unexpected meeting

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Riley's point of view

I woke up hearing my phone ringing and quickly climbed out of bed after looking at the time, I was late for class and still needed to change out of my pajamas.
I placed my phone in my bag and bolted out of my dorm room and ran to class not paying attention to where I was going, I ran into another person. I wasn't familiar with him but I overheard the female that was standing next to him mention his name while I was putting my things back in my bag after they fell onto the floor by my feet, I seen him begin helping me while I was making sure that I didn't get my notes mixed up with other subjects that I was studying for.

Riley: I am so sorry for bumping into you, I am going to be late for sure now.

Andrew: let me help you...

Riley: I shouldn't really...

Andrew: it's okay miss, accidents happen...

Heather: you shouldn't waste your time on freaks like herself, let's just get out of here.

Andrew: go ahead Heather, I will catch up with you.

I watched as she slowly walked away but not before saying something else about what just happened.

Heather: pathetic....

I grabbed the last book and pushed it inside my bag and stood up while he did the same thing before handing me my notes.

Andrew: I apologize for what she said.

Riley: it's okay, I don't let people like her bother me. Thank you for helping me gather my things.

Andrew: it's not a problem. My name is Andrew, what is your name?

Riley: my name is Riley, it's nice meeting you Andrew but I'm afraid that I must go since I'm already late for class.

Andrew: right, I will see you around I guess...

I watched as he handed me the rest of my things and I continued walking to class. I felt weird about walking into the class but I noticed that the professor wasn't looking when I quickly sat down which I was happy about until the class ended and he asked me to stay for a few minutes so we could talk.

Professor: I don't normally call students into my office after the first day of class but I couldn't help but notice that you were thirty minutes late to my class Ms. Diaz, I hope you have a good excuse for being late today.

Riley: I overslept and on my way here I accidentally bumped into someone, I apologize for being late Professor. It won't happen again.

Professor: okay, run along now so you aren't late for your next class.

I quickly left and headed to my next class when I noticed that Andrew was sitting two rows over from me along with the same female from earlier. I was quietly taking notes when I felt a piece of paper hit me on my arm then noticed that he was trying to get my attention.

I seen him pointing to the paper and I quickly picked it up and seen what was written on it.

You left your mp3 player and I have it, meet me at the Café so I can return it to you after class is over.

I gave him a thumbs up and finished taking notes, the class was over in an hour and I finally had enough time to talk with Andrew before I met up my with my brother and our parents.

Andrew: I know it's probably a weird request but since we're here, do you want to get dinner?

Riley: I actually already had plans to meet my family for dinner.

Andrew: maybe another time?

Riley: sure, I am free tomorrow if you want to have dinner together then?

Andrew: tomorrow is perfect, have a great night Riley.

Riley: you too Andrew.

I walked back to my dorm room after getting my mp3 player back from Andrew and put my bag on my bed then got a quick shower before meeting up with my family at the restaurant.

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