waking up alone

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Riley's point of view

I woke up not feeling him beside me, I quickly pulled the sheet towards my chest and climbed out of bed.

I looked around the house for him but he wasn't here, I decided to get a shower and cook dinner since it was already four in the afternoon. I seen my dad walk inside as he approached me.

Riley: hey dad.

Alec: hey sweetheart. What are you cooking?

Riley: chicken alfredo with garlic bread. Have you seen Andrew?

Alec: not since last night, he isn't here?

Riley: he wasn't in bed when I woke up earlier.

Alec: he probably had somewhere to be and didn't want to wake you up, I'm sure he will be home in time for dinner.

After dinner was over I seen Andrew, Elliot and Jared walk inside the house.

Riley: there you are.

Andrew: hey baby.

Riley: hey. I hope you three are hungry.

Jared: always.

Elliot: you're always hungry Jared.

I was about to put the food on the table when I seen Andrew quickly approach me, I wasn't sure what was wrong with him but it scared me a little bit.

Riley: are you okay baby?

Andrew: yeah, why?

Riley: you're not acting like you usually do and it's scaring me.

Andrew: I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk with you before dinner.

Riley: okay. What's on your mind?

Andrew: the guys and I have to fly out of the country and we won't be back for a week.

Riley: and...?

Andrew: and you won't be able to come with us, even though I would like for you to come with us the manager believes it will be better if you didn't come with us this time.

Riley: I understand, when do you guys leave?

Andrew: we have to be at the airport at five in morning.

Riley: okay baby.

After we finished eating dinner, I was sitting on the bed while I watched him putting his clothes in his duffle bag.

Riley: I love you Drew.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

The morning come to fast and I waited with them at the airport while they waited for the departure. I heard someone announce their flight several minutes later and watched as Elliot and Jared started walking towards the ticket station while Andrew stayed with me for a few minutes longer.

Andrew: I will call you when we get there.

Riley: have a safe flight baby, I love you.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

I gave him a kiss and watched as he quickly caught up with Elliot and Jared.

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