California dreaming

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Ryder's point of view

We finally arrived back to California after helping dad move out of the old home. I knew it would take some time for him to adjust into Riley and Andrew's home but it was better than being alone in Tennessee since mom wasn't here anymore.

I pulled up into the driveway and seen Andrew and his band walking over to the moving truck as they began unloading it. It didn't take long to get dad settled in, I found out that he would has his own privacy since the property had a guest house close by.

I watched as Riley and dad walked over to where he would be sleeping every night, it wasn't much but it would be big enough for him.

Riley: welcome home dad.

Alec: your mom would love it here since it's close to the beach.

Ryder: I hate rushing off but I better get Nova home, I'm sure Alex is getting cranky.

Riley: thank you for helping out Ryder.

* Riley's point of view *

I watched as Ryder left, I knew that hearing about mom's passing was still upsetting for him and I understood that since mom and him were close just like dad and I were. I hated that she passed away just as much as he did but it wasn't the same as it would be if dad had passed, I was a daddy's girl which mom knew but never held it against me because she knew that I loved her too.

Ryder was different, he was a momma's boy and her death was taking a toll on him. I decided to give him some space so we didn't get into any argument because mom didn't want us fighting anymore and I was going to keep that promise to her since it was her dying wish to him and I.

Riley: so dad what do you think about the place?

Alec: I love it.

Riley: I thought you would and if you ever need something...

Alec: I will let you know Riley, go get some rest sweetheart.

Riley: I love you dad.

Alec: I love you too Riley.

I headed back inside and walked to the bedroom so I could relax for awhile. I closed the curtains that surrounded the bed and was almost asleep when I seen Andrew crawl in bed next to me and held me close.

Andrew: are you tired baby bear?

Riley: just a little bit. What do you and the guys have planned?

Andrew: nothing actually, we have a couple months to rest before the new tour starts. So it's you and me until that day comes. What do you plan on doing?

Riley: we have a couple of months to ourselves also and I've been thinking...

Andrew: about what baby bear?

Riley: trying again for a baby.

Andrew: I think we should do something first before we try again for a baby.

Riley: what is it?

Andrew: I want us to get married...again...

Riley: when?

Andrew: tomorrow, you and I can fly to Vegas and get married without anyone knowing that way we don't have to plan anything like we did before

Riley: are you sure this is what you want?

Andrew: I made the mistake of letting you go before, I don't want to lose you again. I love you Riley and this is what I want.

Riley: I love you too baby.

Andrew: will you marry me?

Riley: yes...

I felt him place his arms around me and pull me closer to him while he placed his lips on mine and we kissed each other as he carefully removed my bra and rest of my clothes then threw them on the floor along with his while we made love to each other before I fell asleep.

I felt him place his arms around me and pull me closer to him while he placed his lips on mine and we kissed each other as he carefully removed my bra and rest of my clothes then threw them on the floor along with his while we made love to each ot...

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