finally home

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Riley's point of view

After Andrew was back home, I made sure he got adjusted after Ryder and Jared helped him in bed. He slowly become agitated and I tried to remain calm while I stood in front of him while he yelled at me.

Andrew: I'm forced to stay in bed, how would it make you feel if you were in my position Riley?!

Riley: I understand that you're frustrated so I will leave you alone.

Andrew: good, now get out!

I left the room and did other things that got my mind off of what happened when I seen my dad walk inside the house.

Riley: hey dad.

Alec: hey, how is Andrew doing?

Riley: he's good, he's in bed resting.

Alec: is everything okay sweetheart?

Riley: I don't know dad, he's upset with me and I feel like our relationship is going to end up the same way as before.

Alec: I will talk with him, just don't stress about it.

Riley: I think he blames me for the accident, he's mad at me dad.

Alec: it will be okay, go spend time with your nieces.

I took his advice and drove to Ryder's home and quickly walked inside after I parked my vehicle.

Riley: hey Nova.

Nova: hey Riley.

Alex: Aunt Riley!

Riley: hey kiddo.

I quickly picked her up and felt her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

River: Aunt Riley!

Riley: hey sweetheart.

Nova: they've been asking about you all week.

Riley: they know how to get what they want.

Nova: I heard Andrew is home, that's good. How is he doing?

Riley: he's good, he's happy to be home.

Nova: I know that look Riley, what happened?

Riley: he's upset with me at the moment but I'm not worried about it, I know it's cause he's forced to stay on bed rest when he isn't at physical therapy.

Nova: kids go to your dad while me and your Aunt Riley talk.

I watched as the walked away and headed outside where Ryder was sitting with his other band mates.

Nova: is it because of Elliot's unexpected death?

Riley: I don't know, it could be but he hasn't really said much since he's been home except for him yelling at me before I got here.

Nova: don't worry about it Riley, I know Andrew loves you and he's probably just upset about not being able to get on the road again.

Riley: maybe, I just hope he is in a better mood when I get back home.

Nova: I hope so too.

I stayed for another hour before heading back home so I could cook dinner for dad and Andrew, he slowly walked towards me after I put dinner in the oven.

Andrew: I'm sorry for yelling at you baby.

Riley: I understand that you're frustrated but I never want you to feel like what happened is my fault.

Andrew: I know that it's not your fault baby, I am just aggravated for being forced to stay in bed.

Riley: it won't be all bad, it gives you time to spend with Phoenyx.

Andrew: I really am sorry for yelling at you before.

Riley: I forgive you, I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too.

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