study group

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Andrew's point of view

I was hanging out with Riley and her two friends while we studied in her dorm room after bringing us some food. I had been sitting next to her while we went over our notes together when I felt her rest her head on my shoulder which got the attention of the other two but only one said something about what she was doing.

Hazel: you two are cute together, how long have you been dating?

Riley: we're not dating...

She quickly moved her head after realizing head was on my shoulder, I hadn't given it much thought because I didn't want to get into a new relationship with another woman after the breakup with Heather and myself including Axel and Riley breaking up as well, I knew that she probably didn't want to get into a new relationship either so we agreed on being friends.

Hazel: I apologize, I just thought...

Andrew: we're just friends...

After Hazel and Jaycee left, Riley and I decided to go see a movie. I thought about what Hazel said earlier and it had me curious about what Riley thought if we decided to hook up with each other.

I walked with her back to her dorm room while she held my hand.

Riley: I had fun tonight.

Andrew: me too, I'm glad you and I are friends...

Riley: something is on your mind, what is it?

Andrew: it's what Hazel said earlier, it had me thinking.

Riley: thinking about what?

Andrew: what would happen between us if were more than friends.

Riley: I know it's late and we ha e class in the morning, but do you want to come inside before you call it a night?

Andrew: I should go so neither of us won't be late for class in the morning, good night Riley...

Riley: good night Andrew...

I watched as she shut the door and I headed back to my dorm room and thought about her for an hour while I laid in bed.

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