London bound

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Riley's point of view

A week passed since I last seen him, although we talked on the phone almost every night it didn't compare to being next to him. I started working on my music again and posting it on YouTube so I could have some money coming in for food and other things.

I found out that I was pregnant and was working up the courage to tell him but I haven't heard from him in a couple of days now and begun worrying something was wrong. Dad reassured me that it was because he was busy and I told myself he was right but I still needed to hear his voice.

I decided to find out where they would be next and meet up with them there as a surprise, my dad agreed to stay with Nova and Ryder until I returned home.

I quickly packed some of my clothes along with a few of his shirts and my phone with the charger with a pair of my headphones, I had dad drop me off at the airport so I wouldn't miss my flight to London. I grabbed my duffle bag and placed it around my body then gave dad a hug.

Alec: have a safe flight sweetheart, call me when you get there.

Riley: I will dad, I love you.

Alec: I love you too Riley.

I watched as he drove away and I walked inside the airport terminal and listened for the flight I would be on which didn't take long. I handed my ticket to a lady that was standing next to the loading gate then I found my seat.

Several hours passed and I finally arrived in the city that I would be meeting Andrew in, I let dad know that I made it safely and tried calling Andrew but he still wasn't answering my calls so I decided to get some rest since the concert wasn't until tomorrow night.

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