family dinner

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Ryder's point of view

I was sitting at the table with mom and dad when I seen Riley walking towards us, she quietly sat down and looked at me.

Alec: you're late...

Riley: sorry, I had to get something from a guy on campus...

Evrin: you met someone?

Ryder: this is going to be good...

Riley: it was more of a brief meeting, I'm not dating anyone if that's what you meant mom.

Alec: you should have invited him to join us.

Riley: dad!

Evrin: he's just picking, I hope you're doing great with your classes.

Riley: I am, I have the next few days off and was going to put on a few shows for tomorrow and the next day if this bonehead wasn't grounded.

I felt her grab my cheek and gently squeezed it...

Ryder: oh knock it off Riley...

I heard her let out a small laugh after I pushed her hand away from my face.

Alec: he isn't grounded but he will need to be watched after the stunt he pulled...

Riley: what did you do now?

Ryder: it wasn't my fault dad, I just happened to be walking by and the police officer...

Riley: damnit Ryder, when are you going to learn?

Ryder: the cop mistaken me for someone else okay? I had nothing to do with the shoplifter.

Riley: if I promise that I will keep an eye on him, can he stay with me for two days?

Ryder: you mean stay in your dorm room at the college?

Riley: not unless you want to stay with mom and dad and I pick you up?

Ryder: I will stay with you if that's okay with mom and dad.

Alec: just promise that you'll stay out of trouble.

Ryder: I promise...

Evrin: and listen to your sister Ryder...

Riley: I will make sure he stays out of trouble.

After we ate dinner, we headed back to her dorm room After we got inside her room I sat down on the other bed while I looked around the room.

Ryder: nice set up sis. Did your boyfriend help you decorate your room?

Riley: very funny, we aren't dating and I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend.

Ryder: talking with a guy in a relationship with someone else, you're such a rebel.

Riley: oh hush and go to sleep.

Ryder: do you really expect me to listen just because I told mom and dad that I would?

Riley: I didn't think you would listen to me, just stay out of trouble while you're here cause I'm sure mom and dad will ask if you behaved yourself...

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