meeting again ( pt. 2 )

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Andrew's point of view

I walked inside the apartment with her and watched as she walked into her bedroom while I waited in the living room for her, I wasn't sure why she wanted to come with her to her apartment but it become clear to me when I seen her sit down next to me after putting a movie on.

Andrew: is this why you asked me to come with you?

Riley: yeah, we haven't done this in years and I thought...

Andrew: Riley...

I noticed how nervous she become after I said her name and it made me think back to that day when her friend thought we were dating each other. I moved closer to her and gently held her in my arms.

Andrew: is this okay?

Riley: yes...

I carried her to her bedroom after she instructed me which room was hers ans I carefully laid her in her bed then I laid down beside her while I continued holding her. It didn't take her long to fall asleep and I quietly left the apartment after I locked the door on my way out, I knew that she would probably be sad that I left but I didn't want to cross that line since we were only friends.

I walked into my hotel room and got a quick shower before climbing in bed and getting some sleep but it wasn't happening so I laid awake I tried getting my brain to shut off but it wasn't enough to keep thoughts of her from replaying over and over again.

I laid awake in bed thinking about her being so close to me and it scared me to think that she was in my arms while she slept. I finally got some sleep but I dreamed of her while she was laying beside me in my arms.

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