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Riley's point of view

I was laying in bed next to Andrew while we were on the bus heading to a show in Tennessee, I started singing again after taking back my spot with the band my brother and I started since Marc explained to me that the fans expressed how much they missed me and I agreed to come back so Ryder and Nova could raise their child without struggling with the things they needed once the baby was born.

I watched as Andrew looked over at me after I rolled over and let out a deep sigh.

Andrew: what is it baby bear?

Riley: it's this, I never imagined that I would ever make a career with my music and being here with you.

Andrew: and what did you see yourself doing if you didn't have your music career?

Riley: I don't know, I would probably still be working at the bar in Vegas.

Andrew: I would still be with you just like we are now.

Riley: I do want to know one thing.

Andrew: okay...

Riley: why me, of all the women you could have chose, why did you choose me?

Andrew: because you were the only one who stuck by my side when I was in a dark place, I considered ending my life but when I seen you again at that bar I knew right away that you were the only person that could bring me out of that dark place. You're my angel Riley.

Riley: I never knew that you were battling the darkness, why didn't you tell me before?

Andrew: because I didn't want you or anyone else worrying about me and I didn't want you leaving me.

Riley: I would never leave you, I love you baby.

Andrew: when Ryder told me that you died on the way to the hospital I broke down crying cause I thought I lost my best friend.

Riley: when I seen Heather kissing you I thought I lost you too, I thought you were using me to make her jealous and I was ready to let you go so you could be with her again.

Andrew: I would never do that to you Riley. I fell in love with you the first time I seen you at college.

Riley: when Hazel first seen me sitting beside you with my head on your shoulder, I become nervous hearing what she said about us being cute together. I was scared before because I wasn't ready for a relationship but now... I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you. You're my best friend Andrew and I love you so much.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear and I'm glad we have each other.

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