sibling bond

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Riley's point of view

Two months passed since we decided to disband the group, I knew it was for the best since we had other things to do.

I decided to meet up with Ryder since he had time off from the new band he joined, I seen him walking towards me and sat down beside me.

Riley: hey...

Ryder: hey...

Riley: how is Nova?

Ryder: she's good, we have another baby on the way.

Riley: that's great to hear, does dad know?

Ryder: she is going to tell him during dinner tonight.

Riley: you don't seem like yourself, what's wrong Ryder?

Ryder: I'm just tired, I've been constantly practicing with the guys and with the tour. I don't get much sleep like I used to.

Riley: I hate that you're working so hard.

Ryder: it's fine, with the holidays coming up we won't get back on the road until sometime in January so I will get plenty of rest.

Riley: that's good.

Ryder: how are you and Andrew doing these days?

Riley: we're good, we decided to get married again and we're working on having kids again.

Ryder: I'm happy for you both.

Riley: I miss hanging out with you.

Ryder: me too, mom would be happy seeing us like this.

Riley: I know you miss mom, it's okay to talk about her.

Ryder: I just wish we had more time with her, I do miss her.

Riley: she would be proud of you.

Ryder: she'd be proud of you too.

I laid my head on his shoulder and thought about the last thing mom said to us. I knew that she would be happy seeing us getting along, I was about to say something when I heard a teenage girl say something.

Teenager: you two are a cute couple.

Ryder: we're brother and sister.

Teenager: oh...

I moved my head away from his shoulder cause I knew she only said that because of how I was leaning on him.

Riley: sorry for making this weird.

Ryder: you're okay, mom would be happy seeing us getting along.

Riley: yeah...

Ryder: I love you rebel...

Riley: I love you too bonehead...

After we left the restaurant, I headed back home and seen dad and Andrew cooking dinner.

Riley: what are you guys cooking?

Andrew: we decided to cook some homemade lasagna and breadsticks.

Riley: it smells amazing.

Andrew: are you hungry?

Riley: a little bit.

Andrew: we would have ordered pizza but Nova told your dad that she and Ryder were coming over for dinner cause they had something to tell your dad.

Riley: yeah, I wonder what it is.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek before I walked to our bedroom and got a quick shower before dinner.

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