good news ( pt. 2 )

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Ryder's point of view

Two days passed since Nova told us that she was pregnant and I couldn't be more happier than I was now, I had been laying in bed next to her while she slept in my arms. I hadn't told anyone yet but I planned on proposing to her after I asked her father first.

I seen her move closer to me and kissed her on her head.

Ryder: good morning beautiful.

Nova: hi...

She slowly rolled over and looked at me before giving me a quick kiss.

Nova: you're up early, is something wrong baby?

Ryder: no, everything is fine. I was just watching you sleep.

Nova: I love you.

Ryder: I love you too princess.

Nova: do you have anything planned before your parents leave tomorrow?

Ryder: I plan on flying back with them and staying for a few days so I can get a few more of my clothes.

Nova: okay baby.

Ryder: and if it's not too much trouble for you, I want you to stay with Riley while I'm gone.

Nova: and what about Hazel? She lives here too.

Ryder: I will talk with her later today, you just relax baby.

I gave her a quick kiss and got out of bed then got a shower before we left the house. I drove to my sister's house after Nova and I packed a few clothes, I had expected to talk with Hazel but not so quick as I seen her sitting next to my sister after I walked into her home with Nova.

Hazel: speaking of Ryder...

Ryder: can we talk in the back yard Hazel?

Hazel: sure...

I watched as she opened the sliding door and I quickly followed her and closed the door.

Hazel: what did you want to talk about?

Ryder: I know that my attitude hasn't been the best lately and you being the leader of the band hasn't helped that but...

Hazel: I know you feel like I'm taking the place of your sister and I know what she means to you Ryder, I would never come between you two.

Ryder: I know that now, I just didn't want you destroying what Riley and I started. We made a promise that it would always be our band and when she asked you to take her position I felt like I was going to lose her.

Hazel: I know how much the band means to you and Riley does too, I wouldn't have accepted her offer if she didn't ask me to and I know that she didn't ask you first. I understand that now Ryder but you're not going to lose your sister, I spoke with Marc and he decided to get rid of the contract that I signed after Riley told him that I was only temporarily taking her place until she got better.

Ryder: I want to apologize for how I've treated you before Hazel, you're a good person and I appreciate you helping Riley with what she's going through.

I felt her gently place her hand on my forearm before she said another word.

Hazel: I hope you and Nova rejoin the band, cause I decided to quit...

Ryder: you shouldn't leave the band Hazel, I know that you love the fans.

Hazel: you didn't let me finish...

Ryder: sorry...

Hazel: I decided to quit singing, Riley and I decided that it was time for her to take her spot back since the fans miss her along with you and your looking at the new guitarist.

Ryder: that's awesome, I'm glad you decided to stick around.

I gave her a quick hug and headed back inside and sat down beside Nova while she spoke with Riley and our parents.

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