home at last

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Andrew's point of view

Today was the day, Riley was being released from the hospital and I had met her there so I could bring her home, I watched as the nurse pushed her to my car and I helped her get in the seat.

Nurse: remember to make sure she stays off her broke foot for a few weeks and she will need to take physical therapy once a week. I know that you and her are musicians but the doctor doesn't want her standing on her foot until she gets a boot and she will be on pain medication so make sure she only takes it when needed.

Andrew: will she be able to come with me on the road?

Nurse: yes as long as she stays off her broke foot, this wheelchair is hers and it comes with a leg rest so she can lay her leg on it when she's not in bed and here's a pillow that you can put underneath her leg while she's resting, just make sure that she's comfortable during the night cause I'm sure her leg will cause some discomfort from the pain.

Andrew: okay, thank you.

Riley: can we go home already?

Andrew: in a minute Riley, I promise.

Nurse: she's probably in pain.

Andrew: does she still have amnesia?

Nurse: we gave her a brain test and nothing unusual showed up so her memory should be good.

I closed the door on the passenger side and walked around and climbed inside the car then drove away.

Andrew: are you hungry?

Riley: I could eat something, will Heather be joining us for dinner?

Andrew: what is that supposed to mean?

Riley: I don't know, you and her seem to have been rather cozy before I got into a car accident, so you tell me what it means Andrew.

Andrew: I don't want to argue with you about this baby.

Riley: just take me home, I can't look at you right now.

Andrew: fine...

After I took her home, I helped her out of the car and carried her inside then laid her down in our bed.

Andrew: I am sorry for what happened Riley, I never wanted to hurt you and I hope you can forgive me.

I waited for her to say something but she never did so I decided to leave to keep from arguing with her and gave her time to think about things while I was on the road with the guys.

I knew that what Heather did would probably cause Riley and I to break up and I was prepared for that. I knew that I broke her heart and I never wanted to do that because I truly love Riley and I betrayed her trust and the love she had for me.

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