busy schedule

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Ryder's point of view

It was agony. Being away from my wife and kids, but it was worth it knowing that they had what they needed.

I was laying in bed on the tour bus when I heard my phone ringing and seen Nova's name on the screen.

Ryder: hey baby, I know that I haven't called you in a couple of days but I've been busy.

Nova: I know, I just thought I would call and tell you how much I appreciate you.

Ryder: I would do anything for you and our children.

Nova: I love you Ryder.

Ryder: I love you too Nova and I would love to talk longer but I am tired.

Nova: get some sleep baby, I will talk with you later.

Ryder: good night baby girl.

Nova: good night.

I heard her hang up the phone and I slowly fell asleep.

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