father's blessing

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Ryder's point of view

After I got back to Tennessee with my parents. I wasted no time going to see Nova's mom and dad, I was nervous about what he might say but I didn't let it stop me because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Nova.

I knocked on the door and seen her mother standing in front of me then smiled at me before saying a word.

Emily: come inside Ryder.

I walked inside and seen her dad standing in the back yard with another guy that I didn't recognize as she walked out there to let him know that I was here.

Mitch: it's good to see you again Ryder, your father said you were coming over to visit.

Ryder: yes sir, I wanted to see you before I left tomorrow.

Mitch: does this have something to do with Nova?

Ryder: yes sir it does. I umm...

Mitch: well... spit it out son, what's going on?

Ryder: I wanted to get your blessing in marrying Nova, she doesn't know about it yet.

Mitch: you want to marry our daughter?

Ryder: yes sir I do, I love Nova and I... we...

Emily: I think it's a wonderful idea sweetie, I can tell that you love Nova and I would be happy if you marry her.

Mitch: does she know that you are here?

Ryder: I told her that I was coming back with my parents but she doesn't know that I come to see you two or that I plan on proposing to her.

Mitch: you want my blessing before you ask her?

Ryder: yes sir...

Mitch: I didn't expect this day to happen so fast, I hope you are treating her like you should.

Ryder: I would never mistreat Nova, she means the world to me and she always will.

Mitch: you have my blessing son, just promise me that you will always be her protector and stay by her side through everything she goes through whether good or bad.

Ryder: I give you my word sir, I promise.

Emily: there's something else that you need to say Ryder, I can tell by your behavior. What is it?

Ryder: I know that she wanted to tell you in person but can you act surprised when she does.

Emily: of course.

Mitch: what is it son?

Ryder: she's pregnant with our child.

Emily: I'm so happy for you both.

I quickly felt her mom hug my neck while she cried tears of joy and felt her dad pat me on my arm.

Mitch: congratulations Ryder.

Emily: we will act surprised when she tells us about it, you should fly back and be with her so she isn't alone.

Ryder: I left her with Riley and her boyfriend that way she wouldn't be by herself while I was here. I don't want her getting hurt while I'm gone.

After I left her parent's house, I drove back to where my parents lived so I could get the rest of my things before I made the long drive back to California with Riley's car that she had to leave behind when we moved to Los Angeles.

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