welcome to Hollywood

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Riley's point of view

After meeting up with Nova and Ryder, we agreed to call the music producer and let him know that we were ready to make a name for ourselves, we were standing in the airport with our parents while we waited for our flight. Andrew agreed to stay with us until we got to California since he was meeting Jared and Elliot there.

Evrin: we're so proud of you Riley and Ryder.

Ryder: I love you mom.

Evrin: I love you too Ryder.

Alec: Andrew...

Andrew: yes sir?

Alec: take care of my little girl.

Andrew: I will sir.

Riley: I love you dad.

Alec: I love you too Riley.

Nova: I will visit every chance I get.

Mitch: take care of yourself Nova.

Emily: my little girl is all grown up, I'm so proud of you.

Nova: I love you both so much.

Mitch: we love you too sweetpea.

We hugged them and headed to where the loading gate was so we could begin our new life in Hollywood. I felt Andrew hold my hand until we found our seats, I noticed that Ryder and Nova were sitting together while Andrew and I were on the other side of the plane.

Andrew: I know that you're still upset about leaving your family but I promise that everything is going to be okay.

Riley: I'm glad you're here, it means alot to me that I have you in my life.

Andrew: I wouldn't be anywhere else but here, you mean alot to me Riley.

Riley: you mean alot to me also Andrew, thank you for being here.

I laid my head on his shoulder while the pilot flew the plane to our destination. Several hours passed and we finally arrived to where we needed to be, Andrew met up with the guys after we got to the hotel. Nova and Ryder decided to head to their room and I spent time with Andrew, Jared and Elliot while we ate dinner.

Andrew: is a Japanese steakhouse okay with you three?

Jared: fine with me.

Elliot: yeah.

Riley: let's go.

After we sat down, Jared and Elliot begun joking around about me and Andrew being a couple.

Jared: so when's the wedding?

Andrew: you guys are weird.

Elliot: yeah, so what?

Riley: you two really want us to hook up don't you?

Jared: yes...

Andrew: if we decide to be together it's cause we wanted it to happen not cause you two are expecting us too...

I gently placed my hand on his and felt his fingers between mine and closed my hand around his.

Riley: Andrew...?

Andrew: what's up...?

I seen him look into my eyes and I did the same thing. I watched as he slowly leaned towards me and felt his lips on mine which got the attention of Jared and Elliot as they both laughed to themselves.

Jared: it's about time you to make things official.

Elliot: yeah, cause you two are always together.

Andrew: happy now?

Jared: yes...

I placed my head on his shoulder again while we continued waiting for our food to get here.

Riley: I love you Andrew.

Andrew: I love you too Riley.

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