brilliant idea

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Riley's point of view

After getting back on the road with Andrew and the others, Hazel and I thought of ways for me to sing without being on my feet for long periods of time. I was about to lay back in bed when I seen Andrew sit down behind me so I decided to lay my head against his shoulder while I continued thinking about the plan we talked about.

Hazel: this is so difficult to figure out, ugh!

Andrew: what are you ladies trying to figure out?

Riley: we are trying to figure out a way for me to sing with them without me being on the stage since I can't be on my feet for more than an hour.

Andrew: well you could always sit backstage while sitting in front of a camera, the stage comes equipped with an overhead monitor that one of the tech guys could hook a camera to so that the fans can hear you sing while Hazel, Ryder and Nova perform on the stage.

Hazel: that's a great idea, you should do that Riley.

After I watched the guy hook up a camera to the monitor that was on stage, I carefully got dressed with Andrew's help and felt his arms around me as he carried me to the chair that was sitting in front of the camera. I watched as the tech guy turned it on and I begun singing while Hazel, Nova and Ryder were on the stage. I seen Andrew sit down on a stool that was out of view of the camera while I continued singing.

After the show was over I had him help me walk back to the tour bus then felt him pick me up once again, I slowly walked to our bed and laid down so I could rest.

Andrew: you did amazing baby bear!

Riley: thank you baby. I couldn't have done it without you.

Andrew: you don't have to do that...

Riley: but it's true, without you here I wouldn't have been able to make it out there tonight or anywhere else for that matter. I owe you so much for everything you've done for me and I don't know where to start.

Andrew: you don't owe me anything Riley, you being here is all I want. You by my side is the only thing that matters to me baby bear.

Riley: I love you so much.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear

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