good news

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Riley's point of view

I had just got out of the shower when I seen Andrew putting the food on the table, I got his attention and seen him walk towards me and felt him gently pull me close to him when the doorbell rang.

Andrew: get dressed, I will keep them occupied until you're finished.

Riley: I love you.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

I looked through my clothes and found a pair of skinny jeans as I quickly pulled them on my body then grabbed one of his shirts and pulled it over my head after I put on my sports bra before I left our bedroom, I examined the bruise on my face and tried concealing it but nothing I tried was hiding it so I decided to give up even though I knew that dad would be upset with Ryder when he got here to visit with our parents.

I walked out of the bedroom and seen mom and dad sitting on the couch while they talked with Andrew.

Riley: hey mom and dad.

Evrin: hey sweetie, how are you?

Riley: I'm okay.

Alec: I hope Andrew has been taking care of, what happened to your face Riley?

I seen my dad look over at Andrew and immediately knew he was thinking that he hit me and seen him walking towards Andrew but I quickly got between him and my dad before things got out of control.

Riley: Andrew didn't do it dad.

Alec: who hit you?

Ryder: it's my fault dad, I was angry and took it out on Riley, I hit her.

Alec: your mother and I raised you better than that.

Ryder: I know dad, I don't have any excuse for what I did. I am sorry for what I did Riley.

Riley: I forgive you Ryder.

I wasn't sure if dad and Ryder would talk to each other for the rest of the day but they did after having a long talk in the back yard after we finished eating dinner.

Evrin: so Nova, I was told that you and Ryder are living together now. I hope he is treating you right.

Nova: yes ma'am, I haven't told him yet because of how he's been acting lately but I'm pregnant with his child.

Riley: are you serious?

Nova: yeah, you're going to be an aunt.

Evrin: I'm so happy for you both!

I watched as mom hugged her after I did, I was beyond happy hearing what she said and seen dad walk back inside with Ryder.

Alec: what's going on between Nova and your mother?

Riley: now will be the perfect time to tell Ryder the news Nova, he deserves to know.

Ryder: tell me what?

Nova: I'm pregnant Ryder, I found out a few days ago.

Ryder: really baby?

Nova: yeah, I know that I should have said something sooner but I was scared cause of how you've been feeling lately and I didn't want you being mad at me.

Ryder: I would never do anything to hurt you or our child, I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately.

Nova: I love you Ryder.

Ryder: I love you too princess.

Alec: this is great news! I am happy for you both Nova.

After they left I helped Andrew clean the kitchen and was about to head to bed when I felt him wrap his arms around my body and held me close while he gently swayed back and forth with me in his arms.

Riley: someone's in a good mood.

Andrew: I'm always in a good mood when you're around.

Riley: I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

I felt him gently kiss my lips after he picked me up in his arms and carried me to bed. I watched as he pulled the prosthetic leg away from me after I changed into a pair of pajamas then cuddled up beside him while we laid in bed looking at each other.

Riley: what are you thinking about baby?

Andrew: hearing Nova announce that your brother and her were expecting a child has me thinking about our future together.

Riley: I know you want to have kids but we agreed to wait until marriage.

Andrew: I know but I have been thinking alot about it lately baby bear, I don't want another woman being the mother of my kids except you.

Riley: I don't want another man being the father of my kids except you. So how do you want to do this?

Andrew: will you marry me?

Riley: yes. I love you so much baby.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

I watched as he gently pushed a ring on my finger then gave me a kiss on my lips and I fell asleep in his arms.

I watched as he gently pushed a ring on my finger then gave me a kiss on my lips and I fell asleep in his arms

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