new family member

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Ryder's point of view

Several months passed since the incident involving Axel, I had just returned home from Tennessee when I seen Hazel holding Nova while she had her hand on her stomach.

Ryder: what's going on baby?

Nova: my water broke, I need to get to the hospital.

Ryder: okay, help me get her to the car Hazel.

After I got her to the hospital she immediately was taken to a room, I quickly rushed to her side and waited with her until our baby was born.

I felt her grab my hand after I sat down next to the bed, I let her parents and mine know that she was in labor. I also told Riley that way she wouldn't think that Nova and I were purposely missing rehearsals.

Nova: Ryder...?

Ryder: what is it baby?

Nova: I love you...

Ryder: I love you too baby.

Nova: I think the baby is ready to come.

I seen a nurse walk in the room after she said that and checked on the progress of the baby then determined that it was time for the baby to be born. I walked with her as she was taken to the delivery room and she immediately was told to start pushing, an hour passed and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

I watched as the nurse handed her our daughter after cleaning the blood from her body, we decided to name our baby girl Alexandra Diaz or Alex for short. A few days after she was born Riley and Andrew finally got to meet her when we got back home and I couldn't help but notice how Riley was acting towards Alex, almost like a mother as she carefully held her in her arms.

Riley: she's so tiny, I'm so happy for you both. Alex is precious.

Ryder: I couldn't help but notice something different about you Riley.

Riley: what are you talking about?

Ryder: you're behavior is different than what it was before.

Riley: my behavior has always been the same, what do you mean?

Andrew: now that you mention it, I noticed it too Ryder. There is something different about you Riley, you're behaving like a mother would to her newborn child.

Riley: I have no idea what you two are going on about, my behavior is the same as it's always been.

Nova: it's okay if you're nervous Riley, you can tell us.

Riley: there's nothing to tell, I promise.

Nova: are you pregnant Riley?

Riley: what? No! I just always loved babies, they're precious and I can't wait to be a mother one day. Until that day I will be helping out with little Alex.

 Until that day I will be helping out with little Alex

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