secrets ( pt. 2 )

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Riley's point of view

After we returned to Tennessee, I invited mom and dad to dinner, I had been at the restaurant with Andrew while we waited for mom and dad along with Nova and Ryder. I became nervous as I started twiddling my thumbs which got Andrew's attention and I felt him grab my hand.

Andrew: relax baby bear, everything is going to be fine.

Riley: I'm just nervous, what if they don't want to be part of our child's life?

Andrew: you know that's not going to happen.

Riley: it happened to mom when she was Ryder's age, her mother and father completely cut her out of their life when she told them she was pregnant with me, I don't want the same thing happening to our son or daughter.

Andrew: your parents will never do that to you or our child, don't let what your grandparents did bother you.

Riley: I love you Andrew.

Andrew: I love you too Riley.

We waited a few more minutes and finally seen my family and Nova walk over to where we were sitting as they sat down.

Riley: I'm glad you could make it.

Alec: sorry we're late.

Ryder: you said you had something to tell us, what is it?

Riley: well, I know that we haven't had a family dinner in awhile and I thought it was time we did, is that wrong?

Evrin: there's nothing wrong with that.

Andrew: she's nervous about what she wants to tell you all.

Nova: you don't have to say anything Riley, I knew from the first day you held Alex.

Andrew: you already knew?

Nova: yeah and I am happy for you two.

Evrin: what is she talking about Riley?

Ryder: is that why you're so nervous?

Riley: yeah, I hadn't said anything because I didn't want the attention taken away from Alex since she's only a few months old and will need her parents.

Ryder: Alex is going to be taken care of Riley but so will yours, mom and dad deserve to know what you have to say.

Riley: it's hardly a secret since you and Nova know.

Alec: please tell us Riley.

Evrin: what's the worst that can happen sweetheart?

Riley: I know that grandma and grandpa abandoned you when you were pregnant with me and I don't want you and dad doing that to me.

Evrin: what happened between your grandparents and I wasn't your fault Riley, your father and I love you and we would never do that to you or Ryder.

Alec: are you pregnant Riley?

Riley: yeah.

Nova: how far into your pregnancy are you?

Riley: a month and a half.

Evrin: I'm so happy for you and Andrew.

Alec: Riley can we talk alone?

Riley: sure dad.

I walked outside with him and placed my arm around his as we walked side by side as we headed to a nearby abandoned building and talked.

Riley: what did you want to talk about dad?

Alec: your grandparents...

Riley: what about them?

Alec: they didn't always treat your mother horrible. When your mother and I first met, she was still in college and her parents didn't like me at first until they met me and I took off after she told me she was pregnant with you because I was scared that I wasn't going to be a good father to you and I wasn't there for you until you were four years old. During that time I was away from your mother, her parents decided that she needed to be responsible and raise you without their support but your Uncle Brantley helped her out despite their wishes.

Riley: I never realized mom went through that, it must have been hard for her.

Alec: I imagine that it was, I know that you're worried the same thing will happen with you but I promise you that your mother and I will always be here for you and Ryder.

Riley: I know that now, I'm just ready to lose you or mom.

Alec: we will always love you Riley no matter how far away we are.

Riley: I love you dad.

Alec: you're always going to be my little girl rockstar Riley, no matter how old you are.

Riley: you'll always going to be my favorite rock musician, just don't tell Andrew.

Alec: your secret is safe with me.

We headed back to the restaurant and ate dinner with the others after I sat down between dad and Andrew. I seen mom take a picture of me with Andrew along with Nova and Ryder then her and dad.

I enjoyed moments like this because I didn't know how much longer mom and dad would be around with us.

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