secrets (pt. 2)

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Riley's point of view

Two weeks passed since our first show and I was back doing class work along with thinking of new songs to write.

I made two new friends named Jaycee and Hazel during one of my classes, we were hanging around the dining hall when I was approached by Andrew and I couldn't help but notice that he looked upset about something after he walked over to where me and the girls were sitting.

Riley: hey Andrew, what's up?

Andrew: can we talk alone?

Riley: sure, can you guys give us a few minutes?

Jaycee: I actually have somewhere to be, I will see you girls tomorrow in class.

Hazel: I suddenly remembered that I needed to meet my mom for dinner.

Riley: good night you two, see you later.

I watched as they left us alone so we could talk about whatever was on his mind as he sat down beside me.

Riley: what's going on Andrew?

Andrew: it's been brought to my attention that your boyfriend and my girlfriend are sleeping with each other.

Riley: I knew my brother wouldn't leave it alone.

Andrew: so you were told about it, why didn't you say something sooner Riley?

Riley: because I have no proof of that being true, my brother claims he seen them having sex.

Andrew: I can't believe this right now...

Riley: why are you asking me about it?

Andrew: because I was sent a video of him and her making out from a number that I didn't recognize and was hoping you could tell me who's number it is.

I watched the video after explaining to him that it was Ryder's number.

Andrew: as much as I hate that you had to find out this way, I hope this doesn't cause us to stop seeing each other after today.

Riley: I hate that we both had to learn that we're being cheated on and this definitely won't cause me to stop seeing you again. It's not your fault or mine that we have unfaithful lovers and I hope you find someone who is going to treat you better than she did.

Andrew: I also hope you find a more faithful boyfriend, you don't deserve being hurt by someone like him.

Riley: I know it's late but do you want to go get dinner, I know that I owe it to you from missing out when you asked me two weeks ago and I want to make it up to you.

Andrew: sure, I know where there's a great sushi restaurant at that's walking distance from here if you're okay with that.

Riley: I love sushi.

We slowly walked to the place he told me about when I felt him place his hand in mine, I didn't think much about it since we had become good friends. I sat down across from him after we both got what we were going to eat and talked the entire time we were here along with the walk back to my dorm room.

Riley: thank you for dinner, I enjoyed it.

Andrew: you're welcome, we should get dinner again sometime if you want.

Riley: me and my band are putting on a show tomorrow night and I was wondering if you...

Andrew: I would love to meet you there, just text me the details.

I handed him my phone and he put his number in my contacts and I did the same thing.

Riley: I will see you later Andrew.

Andrew: good night Riley.

Riley: good night Andrew.

I watched as he walked away after he handed me my phone back, I closed the door and climbed in my bed after changing into my pajamas then fell asleep.

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