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Andrew's point of view

After a long month being on the road, Riley and myself returned home. We decided to put our relationship on pause so she could deal with her brother's behavior with Hazel.

I had been listening to what they were saying when he started yelling at her and I quickly interfered after he slapped her.

Ryder: none of this would be happening if you hadn't agreed to let her take your place in the band

Andrew: that's enough Ryder, get the hell out of here!

Ryder: I hate you Riley, you're a pathetic excuse for a sister.

I helped her sit up after he said that to her and seen her silently crying.

Riley: I'm sorry Ryder...

I watched him leave after she said that to him and I seen the hurt in her eyes while she continued crying.

Andrew: come here baby bear, everything is going to be okay. He's just angry about the decision you made with Hazel.

Riley: it's not like I planned on getting hurt, I almost died and all he cares about is the band. What did I do wrong?

Andrew: you didn't do anything wrong baby bear, don't let it bother you.

I felt her gently place her head against my chest while I continued holding her. I seen the deep purple bruise forming on her face from where he slapped her, I headed to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack and wrapped it in a rag then gently placed it on her face.

I heard let out a pained sound after I placed it against her face as she laid her head on my chest again.

Andrew: easy baby bear, I know it hurts but it will help with the swelling.

Riley: I never imagined that my own brother would hit me, I hope he didn't break my cheek bone.

Andrew: do you want to go to the hospital and have it checked?

Riley: no, I don't want the police getting involved.

Andrew: your parents are going to be here tomorrow, what are you going to tell them when they see the bruise?

Riley: I will tell them the truth, I just wish I knew what Ryder's problem was. I need to fix this problem with him.

Andrew: you mean you're going to talk with him after what he did?

Riley: yes, I don't want us fighting when our parents are here visiting us. I know what he did was wrong but he's still my brother baby.

Andrew: alright, let's go to his house so you can talk with him.

After we pulled up to his house, I seen Nova standing outside with Hazel while they were yelling at each other.

Hazel: I am the leader of this band and you two are acting like children, what do you expect me to do Nova? It's not like Riley is able to make decisions for this group anymore she's not...

Riley: I'm not what Hazel?

Hazel: I'm glad you're here, maybe you can talk some sense into these two. I'm out of here.

Riley: is he here Nova?

Nova: yeah, he's inside but he's beyond pissed off.

Riley: I want to talk with you and him if that's okay.

Nova: sure, come inside.

We followed Nova inside and seen Ryder standing in the kitchen.

Ryder: hey baby, I hope she's... what are they doing here?

Nova: Riley wants to talk with us and Hazel left so...

Ryder: fine but don't expect me to change my mind Riley because I meant what I told you.

I felt myself getting angry and I think Riley sensed it cause she gently placed her hand on mine and held onto it then looked me in my eyes, I knew it was her way of asking me to calm down and I slowly did that.

Ryder: what do you want to talk about Riley?

Riley: I know that you're upset with me about giving my place to Hazel but I had no choice at the time Ryder, I couldn't stand for long periods of time.

Ryder: what has me angry is the fact that she is the lead singer permanently. Marc made her sign a contract stating that you were giving up your spot and allowing her to take over.

Riley: I wasn't aware of that, I only wanted her to temporarily take my spot until I could walk again.

Ryder: well it's too late for that now Riley. She officially has the leadership role and you're out of the group.

Riley: is that why you're angry with me?

Ryder: yes Riley, you and I started the group and I feel like I'm losing my sister, you're never around anymore and I miss you.

Riley: I know that I don't see you much anymore but I'm always going to be here for you Ryder, you're my brother and I don't want to fight with you.

Ryder: I'm sorry for hurting you, I just thought you were giving up on me.

Riley: I would never give up on you

I watched as she stood up and he walked over to her then gave her a hug before we left his house and headed back to our home and ate dinner before going to sleep. I was glad that she could work things out with her brother cause I hated seeing them fight each other.

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