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Hazel's point of view

We finally arrived to Tennessee and was setting up the sound equipment with Ryder, Jared, Elliot and Nova when I seen Heather walk by me as she made her way to where Andrew and Riley were at, I quickly walked over to her and grabbed her wrist.

Hazel: you shouldn't be here Heather.

Heather: I'm not leaving without Andrew, now let go of my wrist.

She snatched her hand away from me after I let her go and seen her approach them and I quickly walked over to where they were standing.

Hazel: I am sorry Riley, I tried stopping her from coming over here...

Riley: it's okay Hazel. What do you want Heather?

Heather: I don't have to answer you, can we talk alone Drew?

Andrew: we don't have anything private to discuss, whatever you need to say you can say in front of Riley.

Riley: Hazel can you give us some privacy please?

I walked away but could hear Heather yelling at them while I made sure the clothes we picked out was on the clothing rack which was in the room across from where Riley and Andrew were with Heather.

Heather: you expect me to believe that you are happy with her? She's a freak Drew, what you and I had was real and I miss you.

Andrew: you cheated on me with her ex Heather or did you forget about that?

Heather: I was wrong for doing that, I want you back.

Andrew: I love Riley and I'm not going to leave her, I have no interest in working things out with you.

Heather: so that's it, you don't love me anymore?

Andrew: I don't love you Heather. Even when we were together, all we did was argue. We weren't good together.

Riley: can you just go Heather.

Heather: oh shut the hell up Riley, this doesn't concern you.

Riley: it does concern me Heather, Andrew and I are married. You had your chance and you ruined it so leave!

Heather: is she telling the truth Drew, you and her are married?

Andrew: we haven't gotten married yet but we are getting married tomorrow, so go and don't bother coming around me ever again.

I seen her running towards the exit while she was crying out loud.

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