meeting her

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Ryder's point of view.

I had finally got a few days off from work when I got a phone call from Riley letting me know that our parents were in town and wanted to meet up over dinner.

I quickly got dressed and drove to the restaurant they had in mind, I quietly sat down beside mom when I seen Riley walking towards us and sat down beside dad.

Evrin: so kids, how are things going with you two?

Ryder: things are good.

Alec: how about you Riley?

Riley: good, I can't complain.

Evrin: and work?

Riley: work is good when I'm not getting hit on by drunk guys.

Ryder: I get tired of sitting all day but the pay is good.

Alec: and what about your music?

Ryder: we don't exactly play like we used to dad, our jobs take up majority of our time and Tyler got a full time job ever since he became a father so, it's just Riley and I until we find replacements for Axel and Tyler.

Evrin: I thought Axel was still in the band, what happened?

Ryder: he hasn't been in the band for over two years now, he got booted after he...

Riley: it's okay Ryder, I'm not upset with him anymore. He deserves to be happy with whoever he chooses to be with.

Evrin: did he do something wrong that caused him to be kicked out of the band?

Riley: he cheated on me so Ryder, Tyler and myself decided that it would be better if he wasn't part of the band anymore for argument's sake so...

I was about to say something else when I seen her, I was at a loss of words while she walked this direction with our parent's friends.

Alec: hey Mitch, Emily...

I watched as she sat down next to Riley and I couldn't help but stare at her which got my mother's attention.

Evrin: it's rude to stare Ryder.

Ryder: sorry mom, I...

I watched as Riley excused herself from the table and walked to the bathroom. I heard dad say something but all I could do admire the beauty of the female that was sitting across from me.

Alec: you remember our son and daughter, Ryder and Riley.

Mitch: of course, it's good seeing you again Ryder.

I felt mom gently kick my leg and got my attention.

Ryder: it's good seeing you also sir.

A few minutes passed and I seen Riley sit back down.

Mitch: so Riley, your dad told me that you and your brother had a band together, will you be interested in having a new member join? Our daughter Nova is looking to join if that's okay with you and Ryder.

Nova: ugh, dad. You promised!

Mitch: sorry, I just want to see you living your dream and I knew that you liked their music so...

Nova: I want to get in without help, my music speaks for itself.

Emily: don't be so hard on your father Nova, him and their father used to be in a band together when I was your age.

Nova: I know but... I'm sorry dad...

Mitch: it's alright sweetheart. So what do you say Riley, Ryder?

Riley: let's hear what she has before giving her an answer first.

Ryder: what do you play?

Nova: guitar.

Riley: do you have it with you?

Nova: I don't go anywhere without it.

Riley: okay, after dinner you swing by the house and play for us, unless you have other plans. I will round up the rest of the band so they can help me and Ryder decide.

I wasn't sure what Riley had in mind considering the band was currently me and her but I didn't say anything as we quietly ate dinner.

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