splitting up

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Riley's point of view

After Andrew left me alone with no way back to my parents house and no service out here to call anyone to come pick me up, I was forced to walk back to their house but I got lost on the way back and it was getting late.

Four hours passed and I had no choice but to rest for awhile but as soon as I sat down I seen Ryder pulling up next to me while he was in our parents truck.

Ryder: I'm glad that I found you, we've been worried about you. Where is Andrew?

Riley: he left me alone and I had to walk back but I got lost on the way back, I'm glad you're here...

He gently picked me up and carried me to the truck and helped me get into the truck before he drove back to our parents house.

Alec: Riley, I'm glad you're safe.

I immediately rushed to dad and felt him wrap his arms around me while mom stood behind me while I cried into dad's shirt.

Alec: what happened sweetie?

Riley: Andrew is leaving for good, we are getting a divorce.

Evrin: I'm sorry sweetheart.

Alec: what happened?

Riley: someone sent him a picture of Axel and I when we were in high school and it was when we had our first kiss, Andrew believes that I've been seeing Axel when we aren't together.

Evrin: Alec, can you talk to Andrew?

Alec: I will try but I don't know if I can get him to change his mind.

I watched as he headed outside after he called Uncle Brantley then I walked to my bedroom and laid down on the bed while my mom continued trying to calm me down but it wasn't working so she decided to get Ryder.

Ryder: hey, can I come in?

Riley: yeah...

I watched as he walked into the room and sat down on the floor so he could see my face.

Ryder: I know there's nothing I can say that might make you feel better but I do hope you two can work things out.

Riley: I don't think we are, you should have seen the way he was staring at me after we were alone Ryder. It was like I didn't recognize him, he is beyond pissed at me for the picture he was sent.

Ryder: please don't cry Riley, it's not good for your baby and I would hate for you to lose my niece or nephew because of how he's treating you. Can you and I go to our favorite spot while we're here?

Riley: I don't know Ryder...

Ryder: come on, we used to love going there with mom and dad when we were kids...

Riley: we haven't been there in years, what if it's abandoned?

Ryder: it will be even more fun if it's abandoned, what do you say?

Riley: okay...

Ryder: now you're talking, let's go!

After we got to the place, I noticed that it was abandoned along with there being a 'no trespassing' sign on the gate but we snuck in anyway and hung out for a while. I was glad that the place wasn't being watched because I didn't want to have to explain to dad why we were arrested because he would be upset if we were sent to jail.

I seen the old toy store and noticed that there was several stuffed animals that had been left in plastic and I thought about grabbing them but I didn't and I seen Ryder grabbing them and handed me one.

Riley: thank you...

I sat down at a table and he did the same thing, I tried to hide the fact that I was crying to myself but it got his attention when I sniffled loud enough for him to hear.

Ryder: it may not seem like it now but everything is going to be okay Riley, just give him some time alone. If he still loves and cares for you, he will realize what he's done wrong.

Riley: what if he doesn't realize that? I'm not prepared to be a single mother.

Ryder: you're going to get through this with or without Andrew being in your life, your a strong woman Riley and I will be here for you through it all.

Riley: you mean that?

Ryder: yeah, I'm never going to disappear.

Riley: I love you bonehead...

Ryder: I love you too rebel...

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