day of loss

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Ryder's point of view

Three weeks passed since the day Riley and Andrew separated each other and she got all her things from his house after she got her own place, even though she had room for her and her unborn child, she had a miscarriage which left her devastated.

I was at her house after she told me the sad news while I comforted her as she softly cried.

Ryder: I'm sorry Riley.

Riley: me too, I was hoping that Andrew and I would grow old together while we watched our grandchildren fall in love with someone but now I, I just don't know...

Ryder: what Andrew is going through isn't your fault, if he wants to believe a lie that's his fault. I know this heartbreak you're feeling is because of what happened with him, you can move on and find happiness again.

Riley: you don't get it, being with him made me happy. I love him Ryder but I can't get that back because of a lie he believes and it ruined our marriage. None of this would be happening if Andrew never got an old picture of Axel and I kissing while we were still in high school.

Ryder: I know that you're upset but I didn't come here to fight with you Riley...

Riley: I am sorry for raising my voice at you Ryder, it's just...

Ryder: you still love him, I understand that. Maybe you should try calling him.

Riley: I have tried but he's changed his number while Jared and Elliot are still in contact with me, Andrew doesn't even want to hear them speak my name ever again.

Ryder: I hate that he's treating you this way Riley, you deserve better than this...

Riley: I will eventually move on with my life. 

I felt her rest her head against my shoulder while we listened to the silence that filled the air around us.

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