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Riley's point of view

Two months passed since I decided to let Hazel take my place on the band, I was stuck at home dealing with the leg issue still. I hated that I would no longer be able to walk again and I slowly became depressed, I hadn't left the house much and I knew that Andrew and the guys become worried about me and thought something was bothering me.

Andrew: hey baby bear, how are you feeling?

Riley: I'm okay.

Andrew: do you want to go get some food before we get back on the road?

Riley: I'm not hungry...

I had completely became disconnected from the rest of the world, I knew he meant well but I didn't want to be dealing with the hurt I was feeling anymore.

I felt him gently grab my hand and I started crying.

Riley: I can't do this anymore Andrew, I miss doing things with you in public.

Andrew: you can still do those things baby bear, I know you don't want to do it but I think you should have the surgery done so you can walk again.

Riley: and what if it doesn't help?

Andrew: at least you can't say you didn't try, I will be right here supporting you baby bear. I hate seeing you like this, I know that you're upset about it but you don't have to face this situation alone. Will you do it for me?

I stared at him and seen the look in his eyes, it was a look of hope which let me know that he wanted me to have the surgery done so I decided to have it done for him.

Riley: okay, I will do it for you.

Andrew: that's my girl.

I felt him kiss my forehead and helped me pack a few clothes cause I knew that I would stay in the hospital for a few days cause of the surgery and physical therapy.

After we got to the hospital, I was immediately taken to surgery so they could remove my leg. I wasn't sure how things would go with the prosthetic leg but I was willing to get it a chance for Andrew and the others along with the fans I made from my music career.

I had been put in a room after the surgery was done and slowly started waking up.

Riley: Andrew...?

I felt a hand holding onto mine and heard his soft voice in my ears.

Andrew: I'm here baby bear...

I slipped back into sleep knowing that he was here, I knew that the worst part was over and the work was now up to me.

I woke up hearing him saying something to somebody when I felt a sharp pain where they removed my leg

Riley: Andrew...?

Andrew: hey baby bear, how are you feeling?

Riley: I'm in pain.

Andrew: the doctor said that would happen, Jared can you let the nurse know that she's hurting?

Jared: sure...

I watched as Jared and Elliot left the room which gave us a few minutes alone until the nurse walked into the room.

Nurse: alright Ms. Diaz, I have some pain relieving cream that I'm going to put on the area it hurts so you might feel some discomfort from me touching it.

I felt her gently rubbing the cream on the area where the surgery was done and felt more pain in my leg than before but it quickly went away after cause of the cream.

Nurse: if you need anything else, I'm right outside the room.

She left the room and I felt Andrew hold my hand then felt his lips on my hand.

Riley: thank you for being here.

Andrew: I couldn't let my best friend wake up thinking she didn't have any support.

Riley: you're my best friend too, I love you.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear. Get some rest if you're still sleepy, I'm not going anywhere.

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