feeling different

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Andrew's point of view

After Riley and I left Nova alone with her brother, we headed to a nearby restaurant so we could talk alone.

Riley: I apologize for upsetting Jared and Elliot, I didn't want Nova thinking that my brother and I didn't have a band.

Andrew: I'm sure they understand, don't worry about it to much Riley.

I felt her gently rest her head on my shoulder while we waited for our food and I thought back to that night when she fell asleep in my arms.

Andrew: Riley...?

Riley: yeah...?

Andrew: I've been thinking alot about something.

Riley: about what?

Andrew: about what your friend Hazel said when she thought we were dating.

Riley: you remember that day?

Andrew: I remember it like it was yesterday and I was wondering where we would be if we never met or if our ex's never hooked up with each other.

Riley: if we never gotten this close to one another?

Andrew: yeah...

Riley: what are you thinking about now?

Andrew: it will sound silly but I was thinking about giving us a chance...

Riley: you mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?

Andrew: yeah...

Riley: Andrew, I...

I started leaning towards her when we were interrupted by Jared and Elliot sitting down across from us.

I looked over at them and seen the grin on their face.

Jared: you owe me five bucks Elliot..

Elliot: no way dude, they hadn't hooked up yet.

Riley: you guys are weird.

Andrew: are you two seriously betting whether or not Riley and I hook up with each other?

Jared: we've seen the way you act when she's around, it was only a matter of time before you two hooked up.

Riley: Jared...

Jared: what?

Riley: we're not dating...

Elliot: ooo burn!

I felt her rest her head back on my shoulder while she wrapped her arm around mine as she slid closer to me.

I wasn't sure if we would get another opportunity to be alone again since the guys and myself would be going on tour soon, I knew we would be gone for several weeks or more so I decided not to pursue a relationship with her right now unless she was ready to date again.

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