one big happy family

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Riley's point of view

I was at the hospital with my dad, Ryder and Nova along with Phoenyx and Alex and River as Andrew and I were taken to a room so I could give birth to our second child, I had laid down in bed as the nurse hooked me up to a heart monitor along with I.V. fluids just in case they needed to give me certain medicine.

Nurse: I will be back in the morning to check on you but for the mean time, get some rest you two.

Riley: thank you.

After the nurse left, I felt Andrew place his hand in mine then kiss it gently before saying anything.

Andrew: thank you Riley...

Riley: for what baby?

Andrew: for giving me a chance to love you, I never imagined that I would have settled down and have a family with anyone.

Riley: you're the best thing to happen to me besides or children, I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

I gave him a quick kiss and he did the same thing.

The next day come quickly and I gave birth to a son, we decided to name him Elliot Jared Black. I watched as my dad and brother along with Nova and the kids walked inside the room as the all met our son, they didn't stay long since the kids were hungry and I had just finished feeding him when I seen Hazel walk in the room.

Hazel: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Riley: not at all, come in Hazel.

Hazel: I also brought a hitchhiker if that's okay with you two.

Jared: very funny Hazel.

Andrew: it's good to see you dude.

Jared: I couldn't miss the chance to meet this little guy, he's a handsome little guy.

Hazel: what did you two name him?

Riley: we named him after his father's two best friends.

Andrew: Elliot Jared...

Hazel: Elliot would be so happy to hear that you both gave him that name.

Riley: yeah...

I seen her crying and Jared quickly wiped her eyes the laid her head on his chest which made Andrew and I look at each other then I heard him say something to Jared.

Andrew: so Jared, when did you and Hazel...

Jared: I figured you two knew, do you want to tell them Hazel?

Hazel: yeah, I received a letter the day after hearing about Elliot's passing explaining that he wanted me to move on and be happy, that's when Jared and I met. Turns out he received a letter from Elliot saying that he wanted Jared to check on me everyone once in awhile. I wasn't exactly looking to move on so quickly since I was still getting over Elliot's death but Jared was there for me during the time and we...

Jared: I wasn't looking either, it just happened and I believe Elliot would be happy for us.

Hazel: I love you.

Jared: I love you too Hazel.

Riley: I'm so happy for you two.

Hazel: thank you Riley, I wish we could stay longer but we have a date tonight.

Riley: have fun you two.

I watched as they left and I watched as Andrew held our son while I got a few hours of sleep.

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