telling him

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Ryder's point of view

After I returned home from being on the road for two weeks, I was told that Andrew was in the hospital after being in a bad wreck. I decided to go see him and seen Riley sitting in the room with him while he was asleep.

Ryder: hey.

Riley: hey.

Ryder: how's he doing?

Riley: good I hope, he hadn't really been saying if he's in pain since his voice is so strained he barely speaks and he has a torn acl along with a broken knee cap and wrist but there's nothing else wrong with him besides that...

Ryder: and how are you handling this?

Riley: I'm trying to be strong for him but it's not easy seeing him laying like that.

Ryder: I know it's hard for you but he's going to be fine, just stay strong Riley. I'm here if you need me.

I heard her crying and quickly wrapped my arms around her after she laid her head on my shoulder.

Ryder: it's going to be okay Riley.

Riley: I don't know what I'd do if I lost him, they told me he died on the way here...

Ryder: but he didn't and that's something to be thankful for, how are the other two doing?

Riley: Jared's fine but Elliot he... he didn't survive...

Ryder: does Hazel know?

Riley: I don't know, Jared was supposed to go see her but I haven't heard anything from him or her since he was last here which was two days ago now.

Ryder: I hate to hear that he didn't make it, he was a good person.

Riley: yeah, he was a good friend...

I seen Andrew slowly waking up and look at Riley as he reached out for her. I watched as she gently grabbed his hand and walked towards him.

Riley: are you hungry baby?

Andrew: yeah...

I heard the strain sound in his voice after he answered her question.

Riley: what do you want to eat? They've got soup, it might help your throat.

Andrew: I'm sorry...

Riley: you have nothing to be sorry for baby, what happened wasn't your fault. I'm just happy that you're here.

He watched as she gave him a quick kiss while he held her with the arm that wasn't injured when Jared walked in the room.

Jared: hey man, it's good to see you.

Riley: he can barely talk Jared so be patient with him.

Jared: that's okay, I just wanted to see how he was doing.

Andrew: I'm good. How's Elliot?

Jared: you didn't tell him mama bear?

Riley: I haven't told anyone except for Ryder, have you told Hazel?

Jared: yeah, she's taking it hard.

Riley: it's expected, she loved Elliot so much.

Andrew: what happened to Elliot?

Jared: Elliot didn't survive the accident Andy, he was still inside the tour bus when the eighteen wheeler...

Andrew: damn...

Riley: he will be missed.

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