opportunity of a lifetime

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Riley's point of view

We were doing a show when we informed that there was a music producer here looking for new talent, I wouldn't tell Nova and Ryder but I was nervous about playing.

Ryder: let's play like we always do Riley, you're going to do great.

Nova: is there really a music producer here?

Riley: yeah, he's sitting near the bar.

Nova: I'm nervous guys...

Ryder: relax Nova, just play like it's just us three and you'll be fine.

After the show was over, we headed backstage and put our instruments away and was about to leave when we were approached by the music producer, who we found out his name was Marc

Marc: I've heard around town that you are a local favorite, I hoped that I would have been given the chance to hear you three play before I left the city. How would you like to have the chance to leave this town and make a name for you and your band?

Riley: I know that this is the opportunity of a lifetime but I would like to discuss it with the other two first.

Ryder: what are you doing Riley, this opportunity may never happen again.

Riley: I know that you are looking forward to making it big Ryder but mom and dad are here, what will they think when we miss important family events?

Nova: Riley is right Ryder, family is important.

Marc: think about my offer and give me a call when you're ready.

I watched as he left which only pissed Ryder off as he stormed off.

Nova: Ryder wait!

Riley: get some rest Nova, we will meet up later and talk about what we want to do regarding this opportunity.

Nova: I will look for Ryder and he can stay with me tonight so you and him won't argue about it.

Riley: good night Nova.

Nova: good night Riley.

I climbed onto the van and climbed in bed while I thought about what to do for the future of the band when I heard Andrew's voice.

Andrew: hey, how did the show go?

Riley: it went great but Ryder's upset with me.

Andrew: what happened?

Riley: we got noticed by a music producer...

Andrew: that's great news Riley, I hope you said yes.

Riley: I didn't exactly say no and that's what Ryder is upset about, because mom and dad are here and I know we won't get to see them much and the same goes for Nova.

Andrew: it's okay to be scared Riley. I was scared too because I didn't want to leave my mother behind but she encouraged me to pursue my music career before she passed away and I'm sure your parents will want you to do the same thing Riley.

Riley: I don't want to leave them behind and Ryder he...

Andrew: Ryder is going to be fine with whatever decision you make Riley.

Riley: and what about our friendship? We won't get to see each other that often Andrew and I...

Andrew: I will always be here for you Riley, it won't change what we have.

I rested my head on his shoulder while I cried a little.

Andrew: it's going to be okay Riley, just do what you feel is best for you and the other two.

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