no more band

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Ryder's point of view

It was different now. The band me and my sister started was now drifting apart; Hazel, Nova, Riley and myself decided to meet up and discuss the future of the band and we all agreed on disbanding.

Ryder: where do we go from here?

Hazel: I can get my old job back in New York.

Riley: I can travel with Andrew and the guys.

Nova: I can stay home raising Alex.

Riley: what are you going to do with your time Ryder, you have to provide for your family.

Ryder: I was offered to be the drummer for a different band and I think I'm going to accept the offer.

Hazel: they'll be getting an amazing drummer.

Nova: you should go for it baby.

Ryder: but if I do, you will be home alone most of the time.

Nova: it will be okay baby, you should do what you love and I know that you love playing the drums. If you don't do it for me, do it for our daughter baby.

I knew she was right, I needed to provide for my family and I was going to accept the offer. I pulled my phone out and called the band's leader and gave him my answer.

Hazel: thank you for letting me live my rockstar life, I better go. It's a long way from New York and I still have to pack my clothes.

Riley: what are you going to do with your home?

Hazel: I will rent it out so I can have extra money on the side since I won't make much working at the hotel.

Riley: take care of yourself Hazel.

Hazel: keep in touch Riley.

Riley: always.

Nova: we should get back home also.

Riley: yeah.

Ryder: come on baby.

I watched as Riley gave Nova a hug before we left, I knew she loved her like a sister and I was happy about that.

Riley: and you Ryder...

Ryder: what is it?

Riley: I love you bonehead.

Ryder: I love you too rebel.

She gave me a quick hug and I did the same thing, Nova and I left the restaurant after we finished eating then headed back home. I knew that it was going to be strange not being in a band with them anymore but I had a good feeling that we were going to be fine.

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