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Hazel's point of view

I was spending time with Riley when I learned of the accident she was in along with her needing to have someone fill in for her until she was able to walk again.

Hazel: I don't know if I can Riley, how will your brother and Nova feel about me taking your spot or Tyler for that matter? I don't want them thinking that you're quitting.

Riley: it's okay Hazel, Ryder and Nova already agreed to it and Tyler isn't part of the band anymore, he decided to give it up when his daughter was born. I wouldn't ask you to take my spot if this wasn't important and I know that you love singing, can you please do this for me?

Hazel: are you sure this is what you want?

Riley: yes, I know that you will do amazing.

Hazel: okay, I will do it for you. I just hope your fans understand.

Riley: they're going to love you Hazel.

I gave her a hug before I left her house and headed to the studio so I could meet up with Ryder and Nova so we could make a new song together. I knew that it would take some getting used to but I was determined to do this for Riley regardless of what others said.

I had finally finished singing when I was approached by their music producer, Marc.

Marc: you have an amazing voice, how would you like to be the band's full time lead singer?

Hazel: I would be honored but with all due respect, I can't do that to Riley. She started this band with Ryder and I wouldn't feel right doing a friend that way after everything she's dealing with right now.

Ryder: she didn't tell you did she?

Hazel: she told me that she wanted me to fill in for her temporarily until she could walk again.

Ryder: as much as I would love to see that happen, she won't be able to walk again Hazel.

Hazel: what do you mean?

Ryder: the wreck she was in did major damage to her leg, the doctor that was helping her with physical therapy noticed that she wasn't moving her leg much and upon inspection the hospital doctors found out that she lost the use of her leg. She has a bad leg and she won't be able to walk on it again, they want to surgically remove it but she doesn't want to have it done.

Hazel: she didn't tell me any of that and I don't want to upset her if I do take her place in the band permanently.

Nova: we need a new lead singer since Riley isn't able to join us on stage during a live show. I think it will be better if you took her spot Hazel, Riley would want you to be the band's new lead singer.

Marc: so what do you say Hazel?

Hazel: I'll do it but I will let Riley know that I decided to take her spot permanently, I don't want her being upset with me.

I signed the contract stating that I agreed to be the lead singer of the band than drove back to Riley's home. I quietly walked inside and seen her sitting next to Andrew.

Hazel: I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I was hoping that you and I could talk Riley.

Riley: you're not interrupting anything, what do you want to talk about?

Hazel: why didn't you tell me that you wanted me to be the band's new lead singer Riley?

Riley: because I knew that you wouldn't agree with it if I told you the truth. The truth is that I will never get the chance to walk on this leg ever again, I will have to rely on the crutches, wheelchair or someone else to hold me up for the rest of my life and I know that you will be a great addition to the band, I know that you love music just as much as I do which is why I asked you to take my place as the lead singer of the band Hazel.

Hazel: I could never replace you but I will be the new lead singer if that's what you want me to do Riley...

Riley: I would love it if you did become the band's lead singer.

I wrapped my arms around her and felt her do the same thing before I headed back to my house.

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