fast paced

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Riley's point of view

I had been standing in the court room with my parents along with Ryder and Nova as Andrew and I exchanged wedding vows, I watched as he slowly pushed the wedding ring on my finger and I did the same thing then heard the guy who was marrying us pronounce us husband and wife then I felt him gently press his lips against mine while my family cheered.

We left the courthouse and headed to Andrew's truck so we could be alone somewhere which happened to be on the tour bus, I made sure the door was locked while he closed the curtains in front of the window near the bed. I felt him gently pull me towards him and watched as he slowly pulled my clothes away from my body and he did the same thing then crawled in bed next to me.

We wasted no time making love to each other and after an hour, I felt him gently grab my waist after he laid down beside me while he started catching his breath.

Riley: I love you.

Andrew: I love you too.

I placed my head on his shoulder and felt him gently rub my back while I drew circles on his chest, a few minutes passed and we were at it again but this time we took things slower than before and I was moaning his name which I was trying to be as quiet as possible since Jared and Elliot were sleeping not far from our room. I grabbed the sheets as he pushed inside of me as far as he could go, I felt his lips against my neck and heard him gently heard him let out a breathy moan in my ear.

Riley: Andrew...

I felt his fingers grip my waist as hard as he could and heard him let out another breathy moan in my ear as I felt something warm inside of me. I watched as he carefully laid down beside me again and looked into his eyes and he did the same thing as I did.

Riley: I can't believe we're married.

Andrew: I know, it feels like a dream but I'm glad I get to officially call you my wife.

Riley: I love you.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear, get some rest.

I cuddled up next to him and slowly fell asleep while he held me close in his arms and felt the warmth of his body as we laid next to each other under our blanket.

I cuddled up next to him and slowly fell asleep while he held me close in his arms and felt the warmth of his body as we laid next to each other under our blanket

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