trying again

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Andrew's point of view

Two days passed since Nova told us the news of her being pregnant again and even though I was happy for her and Ryder, it made me want one of my own and I knew that she wanted the same thing.

Riley: what's wrong baby?

Andrew: hearing the news of Nova being pregnant with her and Ryder's second child had me thinking...

Riley: I know that you want kids Andrew and we can try anytime you want...

Andrew: I know but I don't want to hurt you.

Riley: you're not going to hurt me.

I thought about it for a few minutes when I heard her say something that she never told me before.

Riley: I want you Andrew...

I looked over at her and seen the look in her eyes, I gently pulled her towards me after we laid down beside her. I felt her sit on my lap after we removed our clothes, I sat up and started kissing her on her shoulder while she ran her fingers through my hair.

Riley: Andrew...?

Andrew: yeah baby...?

Riley: I'm ready...

Andrew: okay...

I felt her gently place her hands on my chest while I slid inside of her and heard her let out a soft sigh.

Two hours passed and we finally finished what we were doing. I watched as she laid down beside me while I held her, I kissed her forehead and watched as she she fell asleep in my arms.

The next morning come quickly and I decided to let her sleep in while I headed to the studio and meet the guys so we could rehearse a couple of songs before we left tomorrow. I knew it would probably upset Riley since she couldn't come with us this time since we would be flying out of the country but I would make it up to her once I returned home from the shows we were putting on.

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